windows - 将文件内容重定向到命令提示符中的变量

标签 windows batch-file cmd

我有一个文件“file.txt”,其中包含“dir/s/b *.c”的输出

我想将 file.txt 的全部内容写在一个变量中。



处理此类问题的通常方式是回答:“你想要这个干什么?”。但是,您的问题很简单,所以这里就是答案。下面的批处理文件不仅将 file.txt 的内容存储在单个变量中,而且稍后还会将变量值作为单独的行进行处理。


@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Create variables with LF and CR values:
set LF=^
%empty line 1/2, don't remove%
%empty line 2/2, don't remove%
for /F %%a in ('copy /Z "%~F0" NUL') do set CR=%%a

rem Store the contents of file.txt in a single variable,
rem end each line with <CR><LF> bytes
set "variable="
for /F "delims=" %%a in (file.txt) do (
   set "variable=!variable!%%a!CR!!LF!"

rem 1- Show the contents of the variable:
echo !variable!

rem 2- Process the contents of the variable line by line
set i=0
for /F "delims=" %%a in ("!variable!") do (
   set /A i+=1
   echo Line !i!- %%a

rem Get the starting position and length of each line inside the variable
set /A i=0, lastStart=0
for /F "delims=:" %%a in (
      '(cmd /V:ON /C set /P "=^!variable^!" ^& echo/^) ^<NUL ^| findstr /O "^^"'
   ) do (
   set /A len[!i!]=%%a-lastStart-2, i+=1
   set /A start[!i!]=%%a, lastStart=%%a
set "len[0]="
set "start[%i%]="
set /A lastLine=i-1

rem 3- Extract individual lines from the variable contents as substrings
   set "num="
   set /P "num=Enter line number (nothing to end): "
   if not defined num goto end
   if %num% gtr %lastLine% echo Invalid number & goto getNumber
   for /F "tokens=1,2" %%i in ("!start[%num%]! !len[%num%]!") do (
      echo Line %num%- !variable:~%%i,%%j!
goto getNumber

您必须注意,批处理变量最多只能存储 8K 个字符。

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