.net - 单击托盘图标的正确行为?

标签 .net windows system-tray systray


我是通过双击、单击还是根本不恢复? Windows 标准是什么?


Raymond Chen 在他的帖子“Those notification icons, with their clicks, double-clicks, right-clicks... what's up with that?”中写道:

Left single click: Display a simple interface item targetting the casual user. In most cases, this would be a context menu, but if you are something like the volume control, then a custom interface item (in this case, a slider control for controlling the volume) may be more appropriate.

Right single click: Display a context menu, but one which can contain options for more advanced users. In many cases, the menu will be identical to the left single click menu. (Important: See tomorrow's entry for additional discussion.)

As for double-clicks, you don't need a special rule because there is already a general principle for what double-clicks mean: The double-click action, generally speaking, is equivalent to viewing the context menu and choosing the default action.

关于.net - 单击托盘图标的正确行为?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050477/


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