windows - Windows 注册表中 DefaultConnectionSettings 值的格式是什么?

标签 windows configuration proxy registry

Windows 注册表项

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections

包含一个名为 DefaultConnectionSettings 的二进制值,用于存储有关用户代理配置的各种数据。

  • 此数据的确切格式是什么?

到目前为止,我所能找到的就是 this forum post 中的内容,这绝不是完整的,在某些方面似乎是错误的。



0.  keep this value
    1.  "00" placeholder
    2.  "00" placeholder
    3.  "00" placeholder
    4.  "xx" increments if changed
    5.  "xx" increments if 4. is "FF"
    6.  "00" placeholder
    7.  "00" placeholder
    8.  "01"=proxy deaktivated; other value=proxy enabled
    9.  "00" placeholder
    10. "00" placeholder
    11. "00" placeholder
    12. "xx" length of "proxyserver:port"
    13. "00" placeholder
    14. "00" placeholder
    15. "00" placeholder
if 'Bypass proxy for local addresses':::
    other stuff with unknown length
    36 times "00"
if no 'Bypass proxy for local addresses':::
    40 times "00"

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