windows - 如何安装 libgpuarray Windows

标签 windows build windows-10 deep-learning

我正在尝试在 Windows 10 设备上安装 libgpuarray。他们网站上的说明 here有点困惑,因为我是 Windows 构建和开发的新手。有人可以提供有关安装此软件的说明(假设我知之甚少)吗?


我刚刚成功构建了 libgpuarray...

这是一个有用的页面:Add windows install instructions #264

我使用的是 Visual Studio 2015,MinGW/MSYS 应该也适用于这个项目,但我不熟悉这些编译器。

其次,您需要在构建之前安装cmake,只需转到他们的official site即可。并下载它。
我没有尝试其他选项,但如果您使用的是 python,则 libgpuarray 还需要安装 mako


Clone the library from GitHub.

Create build folder, open CMake gui (I suggest to run a command like this before using gui: cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64", I always got errors using gui to create config)

Change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to libgpuarray/lib (just use the folder you want to install, it defaults to "C:\Program Files\libgpuarray"). Perhaps this should be default on windows.
(I also set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release )

Configure and generate. (should be no error here)

Open the .sln file with Visual Studio

Build the INSTALL package (needs PR #263)

Manually move the dll's to somewhere in the PATH. Perhaps we should automate this on windows.

如果你不需要为 python 设置,你现在可以停止。

Build the Cython extension (in the libgpuarray root) with: python build_ext --compiler=msvc
(before this setup command, you may need to run call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 )

Install the package with python install


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