windows - Windows curl 失败

标签 windows powershell curl

我在 unix 中执行 curl,效果很好。同样的 curl 在 Windows 中失败。


curl -k --user admin:f1f82c270ec3ce28b4279809900fa00b -H "Jenkins-Crumb:3e7dc5a087ef7697f4a31d74fb99c4ac" -X POST https://jenkins-xyz/buildWithParameters?token=test\&release_version=2.1.0

在 windows powershell 中,同样的事情会出现以下错误

PS D:\Softwares\curl> curl.exe -k --user admin:f1f82c270ec3ce28b4279809900fa00b -H "Jenkins-Crumb:3e7dc5a087ef7697f4a31d
74fb99c4ac" -X POST https://jenkins-xyz/buildWithParameters?token=test\&release_version=2.1.0
At line:1 char:226
+ ... ers?token=test\&release_version=2.1.0
+                    ~
The ampersand (&) character is not allowed. The & operator is reserved for future use; wrap an ampersand in double
quotation marks ("&") to pass it as part of a string.
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmpersandNotAllowed


您需要在 PowerShell 的命令行中引用您的参数或使用命令运算符 (&)。它将您的符号解释为命令运算符。

& .\curl.exe -k --user admin:f1f82c270ec3ce28b4279809900fa00b -H "Jenkins-Crumb:3e7dc5a087ef7697f4a31d74fb99c4ac" -X POST https://jenkins-xyz/buildWithParameters?token=test\&release_version=2.1.0


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