windows - CancelSynchronousIo 是否可以与 WNetAddConnection2 一起使用?

标签 windows winapi networking

我正在尝试取消对 WNetAddConnection2 的调用,但失败了与 CancelSynchronousIo .

对 CancelSynchronousIo 的调用成功,但实际上没有取消任何内容。

我使用的是在 Windows 7 x64 上运行的 32 位控制台应用。

有谁成功完成过这个操作吗?我是不是在做一些蠢事?这是一个示例控制台应用程序(需要与 mpr.lib 链接):

DWORD WINAPI ConnectThread(LPVOID param)
    memset(&nr, 0, sizeof(nr));
    nr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY;
    nr.lpRemoteName = L"\\\\\\bog";

    // result is ERROR_BAD_NETPATH (i.e. the call isn't cancelled)
    DWORD result = WNetAddConnection2(&nr, L"pass", L"user", CONNECT_TEMPORARY);

    return 0;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    // Create a new thread to run WNetAddConnection2
    HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, ConnectThread, 0, 0, 0);
    if (!hThread)
        return 1;

    // Retry the cancel until it fails; keep track of how often
    int count = 0;
    BOOL ok;
        // Sleep to give the thread a chance to start
        ok = CancelSynchronousIo(hThread);
    while (ok);

    // count will equal two here (i.e. one successful cancellation and
    // one failed cancellation)

    // err is ERROR_NOT_FOUND (i.e. nothing to cancel) which makes
    // sense for the second call
    DWORD err = GetLastError();

    // Wait for the thread to finish; this takes ages (i.e. the
    // WNetAddConnection2 call is not cancelled)
    WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

    return 0;


根据 Larry Osterman 的说法(我希望他不介意我引用他的话):“这个问题在评论中得到了回答:wnetaddconnection2 不是一个简单的 IOCTL 调用。”所以答案(不幸的是)是否定的。

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