Windows DNS 服务器调试日志主机名格式

标签 windows dns windows-server

我正在阅读 Windows DNS 服务器调试日志文件,特别是数据包捕获,并试图了解如何解析主机名以便在脚本中使用它们。


Offset = 0x007f, RR count = 2
Name      "[C06A](5)e6033(1)g(10)akamaiedge[C059](3)net(0)"
  TYPE   A  (1)
  CLASS  1
  TTL    20
  DLEN   4

因此,查看字符串 "[C06A](5)e6033(1)g(10)akamaiedge[C059](3)net(0)" 我意识到括号中的数字是后面的字符数的计数。将它们全部替换为点(除了第一个和最后一个,应该将其删除)就像一个魅力。


所以我的问题是:方括号中的内容实际上意味着什么?将该字符串转换为可以提供给 nslookup 和其他工具的正确主机名的正确方法是什么?


它似乎是 NAME 字段的第二种可能形式,如下所述:

NAME This name reflects the QNAME of the question i.e. any may take one of TWO formats. The first format is the label format defined for QNAME above. The second format is a pointer (in the interests of data compression which to fair to the original authors was far more important then than now). A pointer is an unsigned 16-bit value with the following format (the top two bits of 11 indicate the pointer format):

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15 
1   1

The offset in octets (bytes) from the start of the whole message. Must point to a label format record to derive name length.

Note: Pointers, if used, terminate names. The name field may consist of a label (or sequence of labels) terminated with a zero length record OR a single pointer OR a label (or label sequence) terminated with a pointer.


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