Windows Kernel32.BatteryLifePercent = 255

标签 windows windows-7-x64 jna battery kernel32

我正在尝试构建一个 Java 应用程序来读取笔记本电脑电池的状态,并在电量不足时向用户发送通知。为了做到这一点,我将 jna 与 Kernel32 native 库一起使用,如本问题的第一个答案中所述: How to get the remaining battery life in a Windows system?


ACLineStatus: Offline
Battery Flag: High, more than 66 percent
Battery Life: Unknown
Battery Left: 0 seconds
Battery Full: 10832 seconds

电池生命周期和电池剩余字段在 Kernel32 BatteryLifePercentBatteryLifeTime 值中读取,它们分别是 255(未知)和 0(我没有得到这个值。未知)根据此处的 Microsoft 文档,将为 -1: ).

我的问题是:为什么我要恢复这些值? Windows 电池托盘图标显示了正确的百分比,那么为什么我无法从此处获取该数据?

我运行的是 64 位 Windows 7 旗舰版。



链接答案中的代码是错误的(编辑:现在 它是固定的)。

字段以错误的方式排序,将 getFieldOrder 方法更改为

protected List<String> getFieldOrder() 
    ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>();
    return fields;



对齐方式也可以是 ALIGN_NONE,因为 Microsoft 通常会注意将数据与保留字段显式对齐。
它也可以是 ALIGN_DEFAULT,因为据我所知,Windows 是使用 Microsoft 编译器编译的,它会在数据的自然边界上对齐数据。



ACLineStatus: Offline
Battery Flag: High, more than 66 percent
Battery Life: Unknown
Battery Left: 0 seconds
Battery Full: 12434 seconds


ACLineStatus: Offline
Battery Flag: High, more than 66 percent
Battery Life: 95%
Battery Left: 12434 seconds
Battery Full: Unknown



    00 08 5f 00 96 30 00 00 ff ff ff ff
    ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
     |  | |  |          |             |   
     |  | |  |       BatteryLifeTime  |
     |  | | Reserved1                 |
     |  | |                      BatteryFullLifeTime     
     |  | BatteryLifePercent
     |  |
     | BatteryFlags


    00 08 5f 00 96 30 00 00 ff ff ff ff  00 00 00 00
    ¯¯ ¯¯       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
    |  |             |      |                    |
    | BatteryFlags   |     BatteryLifePercent    |
    |                |                           |
AcLineStatus         |                         BatteryLifeTime


关于为什么 BatteryFullLifeTime 未知

如果你为 Win7 64 位反汇编函数 GetSystemPowerStatus(你可以找到我的反汇编 here)并重写一个等效的 C 程序,你会得到类似这样的东西

BOOL WINAPI GetSystemPowerStatus(
  _Out_ LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS lpSystemPowerStatus
    SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE battery_state;

    //Get power information
    NTStatus pi_status = NtPowerInformation(SystemBatteryState, NULL, 0, &battery_state, sizeof(battery_state));

    //Check success
    if (!NTSuccess(pi_status))
        return FALSE;

    //Zero out the input structure
    memset(lpSystemPowerStatus, sizeof(lpSystemPowerStatus), 0);

    //Set AC line status
    lpSystemPowerStatus->ACLineStatus = battery_state.BatteryPresent && battery_state.AcOnLine ? 1 : 0;

    //Set flags
    lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryFlags   |=  (battery_state.Charging         ? 8 :    0) 
                                        |   (battery_state.BatteryPresent   ? 0 : 0x80);

    //Set battery life time percent
    lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryLifePercent = 0xff;
    if (battery_state.MaxCapacity)
        lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryLifePercent = battery_state.RemainingCapacity > battery_state.MaxCapacity
                                                ? 100
                                                : (battery_state.RemainingCapacity*100 + battery_state.MaxCapacity/2)/battery_state.MaxCapacity;

        lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryFlags   |=  (lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryLifePercent > 66 ? 1 : 0) 
                                            |   (lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryLifePercent < 33 ? 2 : 0);

    //Set battery life time and full life time
    lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryLifeTime = lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryFullLifeTime = -1;

    if (battery_state.EstimatedTime)
        lpSystemPowerStatus->BatteryLifeTime = battery_state.EstimatedTime;

这表明 BatterFullLifeTime 永远不会从 SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE 结构中复制。它总是-1。
此外,永远不会设置值为 4(临界电池电量)的标志。
在较新版本的 Windows 中,这些问题可能已得到修复。


您可以调用PowrProf.dll 中的CallNtPowerInformation 来获取更可靠的电池状态信息。

如果您不熟悉访问 Win API,这里有一个 JNA 类可以为您完成这项工作


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package javaapplication5;

 * @author mijo
import java.util.List;

import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.Structure;
import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary;
import java.util.Arrays;

public interface PowrProf extends StdCallLibrary {

    public PowrProf INSTANCE = (PowrProf) Native.loadLibrary("PowrProf", PowrProf.class);

    public class SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE extends Structure 
        public static class ByReference extends SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE implements Structure.ByReference {}

        public byte AcOnLine;
        public byte BatteryPresent;
        public byte Charging;
        public byte Discharging;

        public byte Spare1_0;
        public byte Spare1_1;
        public byte Spare1_2;
        public byte Spare1_3;

        public int   MaxCapacity;
        public int   RemainingCapacity;
        public int   Rate;
        public int   EstimatedTime;
        public int   DefaultAlert1;
        public int   DefaultAlert2;

        protected List<String> getFieldOrder() 
            return Arrays.asList(new String[]
                "AcOnLine", "BatteryPresent", "Charging", "Discharging", 
                "Spare1_0", "Spare1_1", "Spare1_2", "Spare1_3", 
                "MaxCapacity", "RemainingCapacity", "Rate", 
                "EstimatedTime", "DefaultAlert1", "DefaultAlert2"

        public SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE ()

        public boolean isAcConnected()
            return AcOnLine != 0;

        public boolean isBatteryPresent()
            return BatteryPresent != 0;

        public enum BatteryFlow{ Charging, Discharging, None }

        public BatteryFlow getBatteryFlow()
            if (Charging != 0)       return BatteryFlow.Charging;
            if (Discharging != 0)    return BatteryFlow.Discharging;

            return BatteryFlow.None;

        //in mWh
        public int getMaxCapacity()
            return MaxCapacity;

        //in mWh
        public int getCurrentCharge()
            return RemainingCapacity;

        //in mW
        public int getFlowRate()
            return Rate;

        //in s
        public int getEstimatedTime()
            return EstimatedTime;

        //in s
        //-1 if not available
        public int getTimeToEmpty()
            if (getBatteryFlow() != BatteryFlow.Discharging)
                return -1;

            return -getCurrentCharge()*3600/getFlowRate();

        //in s
        //-1 if not available
        public int getTimeToFull()
            if (getBatteryFlow() != BatteryFlow.Charging)
                return -1;

            return (getMaxCapacity()-getCurrentCharge())*3600/getFlowRate();

        public double getCurrentChargePercent()
            return getCurrentCharge()*100/getMaxCapacity();

        public int getCurrentChargeIntegralPercent()
            return (getCurrentCharge()*100+getMaxCapacity()/2)/getMaxCapacity();

        public String toString()
            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(4096);

            b.append("AC Line? "); b.append(isAcConnected());
            b.append("\nBattery present? "); b.append(isBatteryPresent());
            b.append("\nBattery flow: "); b.append(getBatteryFlow());
            b.append("\nMax capacity (mWh): "); b.append(getMaxCapacity());
            b.append("\nCurrent charge (mWh): "); b.append(getCurrentCharge());
            b.append("\nFlow rate (mW/s): "); b.append(getFlowRate());
            b.append("\nEstimated time (from OS): "); b.append(getEstimatedTime());
            b.append("\nEstimated time (manual): "); b.append(getTimeToEmpty());
            b.append("\nEstimated time to full (manual): "); b.append(getTimeToFull());
            b.append("\nCurrent charge (percent): "); b.append(getCurrentChargePercent());
            b.append("\nCurrent charge (integral percent): "); b.append(getCurrentChargeIntegralPercent());

            return b.toString();

    public int CallNtPowerInformation(int informationLevel, Pointer  inBuffer, long inBufferLen, SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE.ByReference  outBuffer, long outBufferLen);

    static final int SystemBatteryState = 5;

    public static SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE GetBatteryState()
        SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE.ByReference battery_state = new SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE.ByReference();

        int retVal = PowrProf.INSTANCE.CallNtPowerInformation(SystemBatteryState, Pointer.NULL, 0, battery_state, battery_state.size());

        if (retVal != 0)
            return null;

        return battery_state;


public static void main(String[] args) 
    PowrProf.SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE sbs = PowrProf.GetBatteryState();



AC Line? false
Battery present? true
Battery flow: Discharging
Max capacity (mWh): 35090
Current charge (mWh): 34160
Flow rate (mW/s): -11234
Estimated time (from OS): 10940
Estimated time (manual): 10946
Estimated time to full (manual): -1
Current charge (percent): 97.34
Current charge (integral percent): 98


AC Line? true
Battery present? true
Battery flow: Charging
Max capacity (mWh): 35090
Current charge (mWh): 33710
Flow rate (mW/s): 3529
Estimated time (from OS): -1
Estimated time (manual): -1
Estimated time to full (manual): 1407 Current charge (percent): 96.06
Current charge (integral percent): 97


我用笔名 Mijo 签署了我的代码,您可以删除该评论。

关于Windows Kernel32.BatteryLifePercent = 255,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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