windows - 在 Batch 中,我可以让一行显示的文本在换行时不拆分单词吗?

标签 windows batch-file

我正在编写一个相当复杂的批处理文件,用于创建 D&D 角色。其中一部分涉及显示长句子,在指定的窗口宽度之后,程序会将单词分开并将切掉的部分添加到下一行。有没有办法让它将要拆分的单词推到下一行?



@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

rem Get the window width
for /F "skip=4 tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('mode con') do set /A width=%%a-1 & goto continue

rem Read the file given by first param and show its contents with no word split

set "output="
rem For each line in input file
for /F "delims=" %%a in (%1) do (
   rem For each word in input line
   for %%b in (%%a) do (
      rem Add the new word
      set "newOutput=!output! %%b"
      rem If new word don't exceed window width
      if "!newOutput:~%width%,1!" equ "" (
         rem Keep it
         set "output=!newOutput!"
      ) else (
         rem Show the output before the new word
         echo !output!
         rem and store the new word
         set "output=%%b"
rem Show the last output, if any
if defined output echo !output!


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