windows - 了解 Windows 中正在运行的进程的布局(段)的任何工具?

标签 windows process operating-system linker loader


  1. 进程在内存中的具体情况如何?
  2. 其中有哪些不同的段(部分)?
  3. 程序(在磁盘上)和进程(在内存中)究竟是如何相关的?

我之前的问题:more info on Memory layout of an executable program (process)


在上面的文章中,作者展示了如何获取进程的不同部分(LINUX),并将其与相应的 ELF 文件进行了比较。我在这里引用这一部分:

Courious to see the real layout of process segment? We can use /proc//maps file to reveal it. is the PID of the process we want to observe. Before we move on, we have a small problem here. Our test program runs so fast that it ends before we can even dump the related /proc entry. I use gdb to solve this. You can use another trick such as inserting sleep() before it calls return().

In a console (or a terminal emulator such as xterm) do:

$ gdb test
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048376
(gdb) r
Breakpoint 1, 0x08048376 in main ()

Hold right here, open another console and find out the PID of program "test". If you want the quick way, type:

$ cat /proc/`pgrep test`/maps

You will see an output like below (you might get different output):

[1]  0039d000-003b2000 r-xp 00000000 16:41 1080084  /lib/
[2]  003b2000-003b3000 r--p 00014000 16:41 1080084  /lib/
[3]  003b3000-003b4000 rw-p 00015000 16:41 1080084  /lib/
[4]  003b6000-004cb000 r-xp 00000000 16:41 1080085  /lib/tls/
[5]  004cb000-004cd000 r--p 00115000 16:41 1080085  /lib/tls/
[6]  004cd000-004cf000 rw-p 00117000 16:41 1080085  /lib/tls/
[7]  004cf000-004d1000 rw-p 004cf000 00:00 0
[8]  08048000-08049000 r-xp 00000000 16:06 66970    /tmp/test
[9]  08049000-0804a000 rw-p 00000000 16:06 66970    /tmp/test
[10] b7fec000-b7fed000 rw-p b7fec000 00:00 0
[11] bffeb000-c0000000 rw-p bffeb000 00:00 0
[12] ffffe000-fffff000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0

Note: I add number on each line as reference.

Back to gdb, type:

(gdb) q

So, in total, we see 12 segment (also known as Virtual Memory Area--VMA).

但我想了解 Windows 进程和 PE 文件格式。

  1. 是否有任何工具可以获取 Windows 中正在运行的进程的布局(段)?
  2. 还有什么其他好的资源可以用来详细了解这个主题?


是否有任何好的文章显示 PE 文件 sections 和 VA segments 之间的映射?


系统内部 VMMap也是可视化进程 VA 空间的优秀工具:

VMMap Screenshot

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