python - 获取python应用程序内存使用情况

标签 python windows memory-leaks profiling

我的主要目标是了解我的 python 应用程序在执行期间占用了多少内存。

我在 Windows-32 和 Windows-64 上使用 python 2.7.5。



"""Functions for getting memory usage of Windows processes."""

__all__ = ['get_current_process', 'get_memory_info', 'get_memory_usage']

import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes

GetCurrentProcess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess
GetCurrentProcess.argtypes = []
GetCurrentProcess.restype = wintypes.HANDLE

SIZE_T = ctypes.c_size_t

class PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('cb', wintypes.DWORD),
        ('PageFaultCount', wintypes.DWORD),
        ('PeakWorkingSetSize', SIZE_T),
        ('WorkingSetSize', SIZE_T),
        ('QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
        ('QuotaPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
        ('QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
        ('QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
        ('PagefileUsage', SIZE_T),
        ('PeakPagefileUsage', SIZE_T),
        ('PrivateUsage', SIZE_T),

GetProcessMemoryInfo = ctypes.windll.psapi.GetProcessMemoryInfo
GetProcessMemoryInfo.argtypes = [
GetProcessMemoryInfo.restype = wintypes.BOOL

def get_current_process():
    """Return handle to current process."""
    return GetCurrentProcess()

def get_memory_info(process=None):
    """Return Win32 process memory counters structure as a dict."""
    if process is None:
        process = get_current_process()
    ret = GetProcessMemoryInfo(process, ctypes.byref(counters),
    if not ret:
        raise ctypes.WinError()
    info = dict((name, getattr(counters, name))
                for name, _ in counters._fields_)
    return info

def get_memory_usage(process=None):
    """Return this process's memory usage in bytes."""
    info = get_memory_info(process=process)
    return info['PrivateUsage']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import pprint


{'PageFaultCount': 1942L,
 'PagefileUsage': 4624384L,
 'PeakPagefileUsage': 4624384L,
 'PeakWorkingSetSize': 7544832L,
 'PrivateUsage': 4624384L,
 'QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage': 8520L,
 'QuotaPagedPoolUsage': 117848L,
 'QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage': 8776L,
 'QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage': 117984L,
 'WorkingSetSize': 7544832L,
 'cb': 44L}

但这并不能让我满意。这些结果为我提供了整个 Python 进程信息,而我只需要在 Python 框架之上运行的特定应用程序。

我在互联网上和 Stack Overflow 上看到了几个内存分析器,但它们对我来说太大了。我需要的唯一信息是我的应用程序本身消耗了多少内存——无需考虑所有 Python 框架。



这是一个简单易行的 pythonic 方式,基于 (os, psutil) 模块。感谢 (Dataman) 和 (RichieHindle) 的回答。

import os
import psutil

## - Get Process Id of This Running Script -
proc_id = os.getpid()

print '\nProcess ID: ', proc_id

## - Get More Info Using the Process Id

ObjInf = psutil.Process(proc_id)

print '\nProcess %s Info:' % proc_id, ObjInf

## - Proccess Name of this program 

name =

print '\nThis Program Process name:', name

## - Print CPU Percentage

CpuPerc = ObjInf.cpu_percent()

print '\nCpu Percentage:', CpuPerc

## - Print Memory Usage

memory_inf = ObjInf.memory_full_info()

print '\nMemory Info:', memory_inf, '\n'

## Print available commands you can do with the psutil obj

for c in dir(ObjInf):
    print c 

如果你的脚本是用 python 编写的,那么你的脚本就是 python 本身,所以没有它它就不会运行,因此你还必须考虑 python 内存使用情况,如果你想看看 python 本身消耗了多少内存只需运行一个空的 python 脚本,您将从那里推断出,您的脚本将是主要的资源使用者,它恰好是用 python 制作的,因此是 python。

现在,如果您想检查线程的内存使用情况,那么这个问题可能会有所帮助 -> Why does python thread consume so much memory?

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