windows - 用户空间中断计时器访问,例如通过 KeQueryInterruptTime(或类似的)

标签 windows winapi timer

是否有“Nt”或类似的(即非内核模式驱动程序)函数等同于 KeQueryInterruptTime 或类似的东西?好像没有NtQueryInterruptTime之类的东西,至少我没找到。

我想要的是某种相当准确和可靠的单调计时器(因此不是 QPC)它相当高效并且不会像溢出的 32 位计数器那样令人惊讶,并且没有不必要的“智能”、无时区或复杂结构。

理想情况下,我想要类似 timeGetTime 的 64 位值。它甚至不必是同一个计时器。
从 Vista 开始存在 GetTickCount64,这本身是可以接受的,但我不想仅仅因为这样一个愚蠢的原因而中断 XP 支持。

读取 0x7FFE0008 处的四字,如 here 所示...好吧,有效 ...它证明实际的内部计数器在 XP 下确实是 64 位的(它也是尽可能快的),但是嗯...让我们不要说话关于读取一些未知的、硬编码的内存位置是一种多么讨厌的黑客行为。

在调用一个人为的昏迷(将 64 位计数器缩小到 32 位)高级 API 函数和读取原始内存地址之间一定有什么东西?


下面是 GetTickCount() 的线程安全包装器示例,它将滴答计数值扩展到 64 位,并且等效于 GetTickCount64()。

为避免意外的计数器翻转,请确保每 49.7 天调用此函数几次。您甚至可以拥有一个专用线程,其唯一目的是调用此函数,然后在无限循环中休眠大约 20 天。

ULONGLONG MyGetTickCount64(void)
  static volatile LONGLONG Count = 0;
  LONGLONG curCount1, curCount2;

  curCount1 = InterlockedCompareExchange64(&Count, 0, 0);

  curCount2 = curCount1 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000;
  curCount2 |= GetTickCount();

  if ((ULONG)curCount2 < (ULONG)curCount1)
    curCount2 += 0x100000000;

  tmp = InterlockedCompareExchange64(&Count, curCount2, curCount1);

  if (tmp == curCount1)
    return curCount2;
    return tmp;

编辑:这是一个测试 MyGetTickCount64() 的完整应用程序。

// Compiled with Open Watcom C 1.9: wcl386.exe /we /wx /q gettick.c

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// The below code is an ugly implementation of InterlockedCompareExchange64()
// that is apparently missing in Open Watcom C 1.9.
// It must work with MSVC++ too, however.
UINT8 Cmpxchg8bData[] =
  0x55,             // push      ebp
  0x89, 0xE5,       // mov       ebp, esp
  0x57,             // push      edi
  0x51,             // push      ecx
  0x53,             // push      ebx
  0x8B, 0x7D, 0x10, // mov       edi, [ebp + 0x10]
  0x8B, 0x07,       // mov       eax, [edi]
  0x8B, 0x57, 0x04, // mov       edx, [edi + 0x4]
  0x8B, 0x7D, 0x0C, // mov       edi, [ebp + 0xc]
  0x8B, 0x1F,       // mov       ebx, [edi]
  0x8B, 0x4F, 0x04, // mov       ecx, [edi + 0x4]
  0x8B, 0x7D, 0x08, // mov       edi, [ebp + 0x8]
  0xF0,             // lock:
  0x0F, 0xC7, 0x0F, // cmpxchg8b [edi]
  0x5B,             // pop       ebx
  0x59,             // pop       ecx
  0x5F,             // pop       edi
  0x5D,             // pop       ebp
  0xC3              // ret

LONGLONG (__cdecl *Cmpxchg8b)(LONGLONG volatile* Dest, LONGLONG* Exch, LONGLONG* Comp) =
  (LONGLONG (__cdecl *)(LONGLONG volatile*, LONGLONG*, LONGLONG*))Cmpxchg8bData;

LONGLONG MyInterlockedCompareExchange64(LONGLONG volatile* Destination,
                                        LONGLONG Exchange,
                                        LONGLONG Comparand)
  return Cmpxchg8b(Destination, &Exchange, &Comparand);

#ifdef InterlockedCompareExchange64
#undef InterlockedCompareExchange64

#define InterlockedCompareExchange64(Destination, Exchange, Comparand) \
  MyInterlockedCompareExchange64(Destination, Exchange, Comparand)

// This stuff makes a thread-safe printf().
// We don't want characters output by one thread to be mixed
// with characters output by another. We want printf() to be
// "atomic".
// We use a critical section around vprintf() to achieve "atomicity".
static CRITICAL_SECTION PrintfCriticalSection;

int ts_printf(const char* Format, ...)
  int count;
  va_list ap;


  va_start(ap, Format);
  count = vprintf(Format, ap);


  return count;

#define TICK_COUNT_10MS_INCREMENT 0x800000

// This is the simulated tick counter.
// Its low 32 bits are going to be returned by
// our, simulated, GetTickCount().
// TICK_COUNT_10MS_INCREMENT is what the counter is
// incremented by every time. The value is so chosen
// that the counter quickly overflows in its
// low 32 bits.
static volatile LONGLONG SimulatedTickCount = 0;

// This is our simulated 32-bit GetTickCount()
// that returns a count that often overflows.
ULONG SimulatedGetTickCount(void)
  return (ULONG)SimulatedTickCount;

// This thread function will increment the simulated tick counter
// whose value's low 32 bits we'll be reading in SimulatedGetTickCount().
DWORD WINAPI SimulatedTickThread(LPVOID lpParameter)

  for (;;)


    // Get the counter value, add TICK_COUNT_10MS_INCREMENT to it and
    // store the result back.
    c = InterlockedCompareExchange64(&SimulatedTickCount, 0, 0);
    InterlockedCompareExchange64(&SimulatedTickCount, c + TICK_COUNT_10MS_INCREMENT, c) != c);

  return 0;

volatile LONG CountOfObserved32bitOverflows = 0;
volatile LONG CountOfObservedUpdateRaces = 0;

// This prints statistics that includes the true 64-bit value of
// SimulatedTickCount that we can't get from SimulatedGetTickCount() as it
// returns only its lower 32 bits.
// The stats also include:
// - the number of times that MyGetTickCount64() observes an overflow of
//   SimulatedGetTickCount()
// - the number of times MyGetTickCount64() fails to update its internal
//   counter because of a concurrent update in another thread.
void PrintStats(void)
  LONGLONG true64bitCounter = InterlockedCompareExchange64(&SimulatedTickCount, 0, 0);

  ts_printf("  0x%08X`%08X <- true 64-bit count; ovfs: ~%d; races: %d\n",
            (ULONG)(true64bitCounter >> 32),

// This is our poor man's implementation of GetTickCount64()
// on top of GetTickCount().
// It's thread safe.
// When used with actual GetTickCount() instead of SimulatedGetTickCount()
// it must be called at least a few times in 49.7 days to ensure that
// it doesn't miss any overflows in GetTickCount()'s return value.
ULONGLONG MyGetTickCount64(void)
  static volatile LONGLONG Count = 0;
  LONGLONG curCount1, curCount2;

  curCount1 = InterlockedCompareExchange64(&Count, 0, 0);

  curCount2 = curCount1 & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000;
  curCount2 |= SimulatedGetTickCount();

  if ((ULONG)curCount2 < (ULONG)curCount1)
    curCount2 += 0x100000000;


  tmp = InterlockedCompareExchange64(&Count, curCount2, curCount1);

  if (tmp != curCount1)
    curCount2 = tmp;


  return curCount2;

// This is an error counter. If a thread that uses MyGetTickCount64() notices
// any problem with what MyGetTickCount64() returns, it bumps up this error
// counter and stops. If one of threads sees a non-zero value in this
// counter due to an error in another thread, it stops as well.
volatile LONG Error = 0;

// This is a thread function that will be using MyGetTickCount64(),
// validating its return value and printing some stats once in a while.
// This function is meant to execute concurrently in multiple threads
// to create race conditions inside of MyGetTickCount64() and test it.
DWORD WINAPI TickUserThread(LPVOID lpParameter)
  DWORD user = (DWORD)lpParameter; // thread number
  ULONGLONG ticks[4];

  ticks[3] = ticks[2] = ticks[1] = MyGetTickCount64();

  while (!Error)
    ticks[0] = ticks[1];
    ticks[1] = MyGetTickCount64();

    // Every ~100 ms sleep a little (slightly lowers CPU load, to about 90%)
    if (ticks[1] > ticks[2] + TICK_COUNT_10MS_INCREMENT * 10L)
      ticks[2] = ticks[1];
      Sleep(1 + rand() % 20);

    // Every ~1000 ms print the last value from MyGetTickCount64().
    // Thread 1 also prints stats here.
    if (ticks[1] > ticks[3] + TICK_COUNT_10MS_INCREMENT * 100L)
      ticks[3] = ticks[1];
      ts_printf("%u:0x%08X`%08X\n", user, (ULONG)(ticks[1] >> 32), (ULONG)ticks[1]);

      if (user == 1)

    if (ticks[0] > ticks[1])
      ts_printf("%u:Non-monotonic tick counts: 0x%016llX > 0x%016llX!\n",
      return -1;
    else if (ticks[0] + 0x100000000 <= ticks[1])
      ts_printf("%u:Too big tick count jump: 0x%016llX -> 0x%016llX!\n",
      return -1;

    Sleep(0); // be nice, yield to other threads.

  return 0;

// This prints stats upon Ctrl+C and terminates the program.
BOOL WINAPI ConsoleEventHandler(DWORD Event)
  if (Event == CTRL_C_EVENT)

  return FALSE;

int main(void)
  HANDLE simulatedTickThreadHandle;
  HANDLE tickUserThreadHandle;
  DWORD dummy;

  // This is for the missing InterlockedCompareExchange64() workaround.
  VirtualProtect(Cmpxchg8bData, sizeof(Cmpxchg8bData), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dummy);


  if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&ConsoleEventHandler, TRUE))
    ts_printf("SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&ConsoleEventHandler) failed with error 0x%X\n", GetLastError());
    return -1;

  // Start the tick simulator thread.

  simulatedTickThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &SimulatedTickThread, NULL, 0, NULL);

  if (simulatedTickThreadHandle == NULL)
    ts_printf("CreateThread(&SimulatedTickThread) failed with error 0x%X\n", GetLastError());
    return -1;

  // Start one thread that'll be using MyGetTickCount64().

  tickUserThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &TickUserThread, (LPVOID)2, 0, NULL);
  if (tickUserThreadHandle == NULL)
    ts_printf("CreateThread(&TickUserThread) failed with error 0x%X\n", GetLastError());
    return -1;

  // The other thread using MyGetTickCount64() will be the main thread.


  // The app terminates upon any error condition detected in TickUserThread()
  // in any of the threads or by Ctrl+C.

  return 0;

作为测试,我已经在一台有 2 个 CPU 的空闲机器上运行这个测试应用程序 5 个多小时(空闲,以避免潜在的长时间饥饿,因此避免错过每 5 秒发生的计数器溢出) 并且仍然表现良好。


  0x00000E1B`FA800000 <- true 64-bit count; ovfs: ~3824; races: 110858

如您所见,MyGetTickCount64() 已观察到 3824 次 32 位溢出,并且无法使用其第二个 InterlockedCompareExchange64()< 更新 Count 的值 110858 次。因此,溢出确实发生了,最后一个数字意味着该变量实际上正在被两个线程同时更新。

您还可以看到,这两个线程在 TickUserThread() 中从 MyGetTickCount64() 接收到的 64 位滴答计数在顶部没有任何遗漏32 位,非常接近 SimulatedTickCount 中的实际 64 位滴答计数,其低 32 位由 SimulatedGetTickCount() 返回。由于线程调度和不频繁的统计打印,0x00000E1BC8800000 在视觉上落后于 0x00000E1BFA800000,它正好落后 100*TICK_COUNT_10MS_INCREMENT,即 1 秒。当然,在内部,差异要小得多。

现在,关于 InterlockedCompareExchange64() 的可用性...有点奇怪,它是 officially available since Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003 . Server 2003 实际上是从与 Windows XP 相同的代码库构建的。

但这里最重要的是,此函数是建立在 Pentium CMPXCHG8B 指令之上的,该指令自 1998 年或更早以来就已可用 (1) , (2) .我可以在我的 Windows XP (SP3) 二进制文件中看到这条指令。它在 ntkrnlpa.exe/ntoskrnl.exe(内核)和 ntdll.dll(导出内核的 NtXxxx() 函数的 DLL)中建立在)。查找 0xF0、0x0F、0xC7 的字节序列并反汇编该位置周围的代码以查看这些字节是否巧合。

您可以通过 CPUID 指令(CPUID 函数 0x00000001 和函数 0x80000001 的 EDX 位 8)检查该指令的可用性,如果指令不存在则拒绝运行而不是崩溃,但是这些天你不太可能找到不支持此指令的机器。如果这样做,它就不是适合 Windows XP 的好机器,也可能不适合您的应用程序。

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