c# - CosmosDB 查询性能

标签 c# azure azure-cosmosdb

我写了我的最新更新,然后从 Stack Overflow 收到以下错误:“正文限制为 30000 个字符;您输入了 38676。”


我已将我的(长)原始帖子和更新存储在 pastebin 上.我认为不会有很多人会阅读它们,但我为它们付出了很多努力,所以最好不要让它们丢失。

我有一个包含 100,000 个文档的集合,用于学习如何使用 CosmosDB 和性能测试等。

这些文档中的每一个都有一个 Location属性是 GeoJSON Point .

根据documentation ,GeoJSON 点应自动编入索引。

Azure Cosmos DB supports automatic indexing of Points, Polygons, and LineStrings

   "excludedPaths":[ ]


我创建了一个 GeoJSON Polygon ,然后用它来查询我的文档。

var query = client
    .Where(document => document.Type == this.documentType && document.Location.Intersects(target.Area));

protected async Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryTrackingUsedRUsAsync(IQueryable<T> query)
    var documentQuery = query.AsDocumentQuery();
    var documents = new List<T>();

    while (documentQuery.HasMoreResults)
        var response = await documentQuery.ExecuteNextAsync<T>();



    return documents;


多边形由 16 个点组成(第一个和最后一个点相同),所以它不是很复杂。它覆盖了英国最南部的大部分地区,从伦敦往下。

此查询的示例运行返回 8728 个文档,使用 3917.92 RU,在 170717.151 毫秒内,即不到 171 秒,或不到 3 分钟。

3918 RU/171 秒 = 22.91 RU/秒

我目前将吞吐量 (RU/s) 设置为最低值,即 400 RU/s。


23 RU/s 的“查询速度”显然远低于 400 RU/s 的吞吐量设置。

我在“本地”运行客户端,即在我的办公室,而不是在 Azure 数据中心。

每个文档的大小大约为 500 字节 (0.5 kb)。



我是否误解了我的查询是如何被限制在 RU/s 方面的?

这是 GeoSpatial 索引运行的速度吗,所以我会得到最好的性能?

是否未使用 GeoSpatial 索引?



有没有一种方法可以分析查询并获取有关时间花费的指标?例如s 用于按类型查找文档,s 用于按地理空间过滤它们,s 用于传输数据。

更新 1

Area = new Polygon(new List<LinearRing>()
    new LinearRing(new List<Position>()
        new Position(1.8567  ,51.3814),

        new Position(0.5329  ,51.4618),
        new Position(0.2477  ,51.2588),
        new Position(-0.5329 ,51.2579),
        new Position(-1.17   ,51.2173),
        new Position(-1.9062 ,51.1958),
        new Position(-2.5434 ,51.1614),
        new Position(-3.8672 ,51.139 ),
        new Position(-4.1578 ,50.9137),
        new Position(-4.5373 ,50.694 ),
        new Position(-5.1496 ,50.3282),
        new Position(-5.2212 ,49.9586),
        new Position(-3.7049 ,50.142 ),
        new Position(-2.1698 ,50.314 ),
        new Position(0.4669  ,50.6976),

        new Position(1.8567  ,51.3814)

我也尝试过反转它(因为环方向很重要),但是使用反转多边形的查询花费的时间要长得多(我没有时间)并返回了 91272 个项目。

此外,坐标指定为经度/纬度,如 this is how GeoJSON expects them (即作为 X/Y),而不是在谈到纬度/经度时使用的传统顺序。

The GeoJSON specification specifies longitude first and latitude second.

更新 2

这是我的一个文档的 JSON:
    "GeoTrigger": null,
    "SeverityTrigger": -1,
    "TypeTrigger": -1,
    "Name": "13, LONSDALE SQUARE, LONDON, N1  1EN",
    "IsEnabled": true,
    "Type": 2,
    "Location": {
        "$type": "Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Spatial.Point, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client",
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
    "id": "0dc2c03e-082b-4aea-93a8-79d89546c12b",
    "_rid": "EQttAMGhSQDWPwAAAAAAAA==",
    "_self": "dbs/EQttAA==/colls/EQttAMGhSQA=/docs/EQttAMGhSQDWPwAAAAAAAA==/",
    "_etag": "\"42001028-0000-0000-0000-594943fe0000\"",
    "_attachments": "attachments/",
    "_ts": 1497973747

更新 3




有一次我使用了自定义 ContractResolver一旦不再需要它,我就没有将其删除。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Spatial;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

namespace Repro.Cli
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () =>
                return new JsonSerializerSettings
                    ContractResolver = new PropertyNameMapContractResolver(new Dictionary<string, string>()
                        { "ID", "id" }

            //AJ: Init logging
            Trace.AutoFlush = true;
            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());
            Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener("trace.log"));

            //AJ: Increase availible threads
            //AJ: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/storage-performance-checklist#subheading10
            //AJ: https://github.com/Azure/azure-documentdb-dotnet/blob/master/samples/documentdb-benchmark/Program.cs
            var minThreadPoolSize = 100;
            ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(minThreadPoolSize, minThreadPoolSize);

            //AJ: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/performance-tips
            //AJ: gcServer enabled in app.config
            //AJ: Prefer 32-bit disabled in project properties

            //AJ: DO IT
            var program = new Program();

            Trace.TraceInformation($"Starting @ {DateTime.UtcNow}");
            Trace.TraceInformation($"Finished @ {DateTime.UtcNow}");

            //AJ: Wait for user to exit
            Console.WriteLine("Hit enter to exit...");

        public async Task RunAsync()
            using (new CodeTimer())
                var client = await this.GetDocumentClientAsync();
                var documentCollectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["databaseID"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["collectionID"]);

                //AJ: Prepare Test Documents
                var documentCount = 10000; //AJ: 10,000
                var documentsForUpsert = this.GetDocuments(documentCount);
                await this.UpsertDocumentsAsync(client, documentCollectionUri, documentsForUpsert);

                var allDocuments = this.GetAllDocuments(client, documentCollectionUri);

                var area = this.GetArea();
                var documentsInArea = this.GetDocumentsInArea(client, documentCollectionUri, area);

        private async Task<DocumentClient> GetDocumentClientAsync()
            using (new CodeTimer())
                var serviceEndpointUri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serviceEndpoint"]);
                var authKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["authKey"];

                var connectionPolicy = new ConnectionPolicy
                    ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Direct,
                    ConnectionProtocol = Protocol.Tcp,
                    RequestTimeout = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0),
                    RetryOptions = new RetryOptions
                        MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 10,
                        MaxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 60

                var client = new DocumentClient(serviceEndpointUri, authKey, connectionPolicy);

                await client.OpenAsync();

                return client;

        private List<TestDocument> GetDocuments(int count)
            using (new CodeTimer())
                return External.CreateDocuments(count);

        private async Task UpsertDocumentsAsync(DocumentClient client, Uri documentCollectionUri, List<TestDocument> documents)
            using (new CodeTimer())
                //TODO: AJ: Parallelise
                foreach (var document in documents)
                    await client.UpsertDocumentAsync(documentCollectionUri, document);

        private List<TestDocument> GetAllDocuments(DocumentClient client, Uri documentCollectionUri)
            using (new CodeTimer())
                var query = client
                    .CreateDocumentQuery<TestDocument>(documentCollectionUri, new FeedOptions()
                        MaxItemCount = 1000

                var documents = query.ToList();

                return documents;

        private Polygon GetArea()
            //AJ: Longitude,Latitude i.e. X/Y
            //AJ: Ring orientation matters 
            return new Polygon(new List<LinearRing>()
                new LinearRing(new List<Position>()
                    new Position(1.8567  ,51.3814),

                    new Position(0.5329  ,51.4618),
                    new Position(0.2477  ,51.2588),
                    new Position(-0.5329 ,51.2579),
                    new Position(-1.17   ,51.2173),
                    new Position(-1.9062 ,51.1958),
                    new Position(-2.5434 ,51.1614),
                    new Position(-3.8672 ,51.139 ),
                    new Position(-4.1578 ,50.9137),
                    new Position(-4.5373 ,50.694 ),
                    new Position(-5.1496 ,50.3282),
                    new Position(-5.2212 ,49.9586),
                    new Position(-3.7049 ,50.142 ),
                    new Position(-2.1698 ,50.314 ),
                    new Position(0.4669  ,50.6976),

                    //AJ: Last point must be the same as first point
                    new Position(1.8567  ,51.3814)

        private List<TestDocument> GetDocumentsInArea(DocumentClient client, Uri documentCollectionUri, Polygon area)
            using (new CodeTimer())
                var query = client
                    .CreateDocumentQuery<TestDocument>(documentCollectionUri, new FeedOptions()
                        MaxItemCount = 1000
                    .Where(document => document.Location.Intersects(area));

                var documents = query.ToList();

                return documents;

    public class TestDocument : Resource
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public Point Location { get; set; } //AJ: Longitude,Latitude i.e. X/Y

        public TestDocument()
            this.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

    //AJ: This should be "good enough". The times being recorded are seconds or minutes.
    public class CodeTimer : IDisposable
        private Action<TimeSpan> reportFunction;
        private Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        public CodeTimer([CallerMemberName]string name = "")
            : this((ellapsed) =>
                Trace.TraceInformation($"{name} took {ellapsed}, or {ellapsed.TotalMilliseconds} ms.");
        { }

        public CodeTimer(Action<TimeSpan> report)
            this.reportFunction = report;

        public void Dispose()

    public class PropertyNameMapContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
        private Dictionary<string, string> propertyNameMap;

        public PropertyNameMapContractResolver(Dictionary<string, string> propertyNameMap)
            this.propertyNameMap = propertyNameMap;

        protected override string ResolvePropertyName(string propertyName)
            if (this.propertyNameMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out string resolvedName))
                return resolvedName;

            return base.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);


我使用的是自定义 ContractResolver这显然对 .Net SDK 中的 DocumentDB 类的性能产生了重大影响。

这就是我设置 ContractResolver 的方式:

JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () =>
    return new JsonSerializerSettings
        ContractResolver = new PropertyNameMapContractResolver(new Dictionary<string, string>()
            { "ID", "id" }

public class PropertyNameMapContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
    private Dictionary<string, string> propertyNameMap;

    public PropertyNameMapContractResolver(Dictionary<string, string> propertyNameMap)
        this.propertyNameMap = propertyNameMap;

    protected override string ResolvePropertyName(string propertyName)
        if (this.propertyNameMap.TryGetValue(propertyName, out string resolvedName))
            return resolvedName;

        return base.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);



我能够在 21799.0221 毫秒(即 22 秒)内执行我的空间查询。

以前需要 170717.151 毫秒,即 2 分 50 秒。

这大约快了 8 倍!

关于c# - CosmosDB 查询性能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44673702/


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