c# - 如何使用 EPPlus 在工作表上设置页面布局中断

标签 c# export-to-excel epplus

有没有办法使用 EEPlus 设置指定在何处分页?我有以下设置打印机属性的代码,但还没有找到在特定列上设置断点的方法。

// Set printer settings
ws.PrinterSettings.PaperSize = ePaperSize.Tabloid;
ws.PrinterSettings.Orientation = eOrientation.Landscape;
ws.PrinterSettings.FitToPage = true;
ws.PrinterSettings.FitToHeight = 1;
ws.PrinterSettings.FooterMargin = .05M;
ws.PrinterSettings.TopMargin = .05M;
ws.PrinterSettings.LeftMargin = .05M;
ws.PrinterSettings.RightMargin = .05M;


ws.Column(30).PageBreak = true;
ws.PrinterSettings.PaperSize = ePaperSize.A3;
ws.PrinterSettings.Orientation = eOrientation.Landscape;
ws.PrinterSettings.Scale = 75;  


只需要获取对Row 和/或Column 对象的引用:

ws.Row(20).PageBreak = true;
ws.Column(2).PageBreak = true;

但请记住,FitToPage 可能会抑制这些。

关于c# - 如何使用 EPPlus 在工作表上设置页面布局中断,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35161565/


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