c# - xUnit 测试和 .NET Core 2.0 中的 Automapper

标签 c# unit-testing automapper asp.net-core-2.0 xunit

我有 .NET Core 2.0 项目,其中包含存储库模式和 xUnit 测试。


Controller :

public class SchedulesController : Controller
    private readonly IScheduleRepository repository;
    private readonly IMapper mapper;

    public SchedulesController(IScheduleRepository repository, IMapper mapper)
        this.repository = repository;
        this.mapper = mapper;

    public IActionResult Get()
        var result = mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Schedule>, IEnumerable<ScheduleDto>>(source: repository.items);
        return new OkObjectResult(result);


public class SchedulesControllerTests
    public void CanGet()
            Mock<IScheduleRepository> mockRepo = new Mock<IScheduleRepository>();
            mockRepo.Setup(m => m.items).Returns(new Schedule[]
                new Schedule() { Id=1, Title = "Schedule1" },
                new Schedule() { Id=2, Title = "Schedule2" },
                new Schedule() { Id=3, Title = "Schedule3" }

            var mockMapper = new Mock<IMapper>();
            mockMapper.Setup(x => x.Map<Schedule>(It.IsAny<ScheduleDto>()))
                .Returns((ScheduleDto source) => new Schedule() { Title = source.Title });

            SchedulesController controller = new SchedulesController(repository: mockRepo.Object, mapper: mockMapper.Object);

            var result = controller.Get();

            var okResult = result as OkObjectResult;

            var model = okResult.Value as IEnumerable<ScheduleDto>;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Assert.False(false, ex.Message);


我的问题是,当我使用数据库上下文运行此代码并执行 Get() 时方法,它工作正常,它给了我所有的结果。

但是当我尝试运行测试用例时,它没有返回 Dto 对象的任何数据。 当我调试时我发现

  1. 我正在使用 mockRepo 在 Controller 中获取我的测试对象.

  2. 但看起来自动映射器没有正确初始化,因为在映射时它没有返回任何东西

    var result = mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Schedule>, IEnumerable<ScheduleDto>>(source: repository.items);



Mocking Mapper.Map() in Unit Testing

How to Mock a list transformation using AutoMapper

因此,我需要精通 xUnit 和 automapper 的人的帮助,并且需要有关如何正确初始化 mock Mapper 的指导。


最后它对我有用,我按照这种方式How to Write xUnit Test for .net core 2.0 Service that uses AutoMapper and Dependency Injection?

我在这里发布我的答案和测试类,如果需要其他 SO 可以使用。

public class SchedulesControllerTests
    public void CanGet()
            Mock<IScheduleRepository> mockRepo = new Mock<IScheduleRepository>();
            var schedules = new List<Schedule>(){
                new Schedule() { Id=1, Title = "Schedule1" },
                new Schedule() { Id=2, Title = "Schedule2" },
                new Schedule() { Id=3, Title = "Schedule3" }

            mockRepo.Setup(m => m.items).Returns(value: schedules);

            //auto mapper configuration
            var mockMapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.AddProfile(new AutoMapperProfile());
            var mapper = mockMapper.CreateMapper();

            SchedulesController controller = new SchedulesController(repository: mockRepo.Object, mapper: mapper);

            var result = controller.Get();

            var okResult = result as OkObjectResult;
            if (okResult != null)

            var model = okResult.Value as IEnumerable<ScheduleDto>;
            if (model.Count() > 0)

                var expected = model?.FirstOrDefault().Title;
                var actual = schedules?.FirstOrDefault().Title;

                Assert.Equal(expected: expected, actual: actual);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Assert.False(false, ex.Message);

关于c# - xUnit 测试和 .NET Core 2.0 中的 Automapper,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49934707/


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