python - 如何快速解析字符串列表

标签 python


>>> 'abc,foo,bar'.split(',')
['abc', 'foo', 'bar']


In: 'abc,"a string, with a comma","another, one"'
Out: ['abc', 'a string, with a comma', 'another, one']

相关问题:How can i parse a comma delimited string into a list (caveat)?


import csv

input = ['abc,"a string, with a comma","another, one"']
parser = csv.reader(input)

for fields in parser:
  for i,f in enumerate(fields):
    print i,f    # in Python 3 and up, print is a function; use: print(i,f)


0 abc
1 a string, with a comma
2 another, one

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