c# - 限制路由到 ASP.NET Core 中的 Controller 命名空间

标签 c# asp.net asp.net-core-mvc

我试图将我的 ASP.NET Core 路由的 Controller 限制到某个命名空间。

在以前版本的 ASP.NET MVC 中,有一个重载在添加路由时提供了一个 string[] namespaces 参数。这在 ASP.NET MVC 6 中是缺失的。所以在谷歌搜索之后,我试着玩弄类似的东西

app.UseMvc(routes => {
    var dataTokens = new RouteValueDictionary {
            "Namespaces", new[] {"ProjectA.SomeNamespace.Controllers"}

         name: "default",
         template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}",
         defaults: null,
         constraints: null,
         dataTokens: dataTokens



我刚刚意识到这可能与我在每个单独的 Controller 上使用属性路由这一事实有关?属性路由是否会破坏 app.UseMvc() 定义的路由?

更新 2


我有两个完全独立的 Web API 项目。顺便说一下,两者中的一些路由是相同的(即 ~/api/ping)。这些项目在生产中是独立的,一个是用户的端点,一个是管理员的端点。

我还有单元测试,使用 Microsoft.AspNet.TestHost。其中一些单元测试需要这两个 Web API 项目的功能(即需要“管理”端点来为“用户”完全设置测试用例)。但是当我引用这两个 API 项目时,TestHost 会因为相同的路由而感到困惑,并提示“多个匹配路由”:

Microsoft.AspNet.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware: Error: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request
Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Infrastructure.AmbiguousActionException: Multiple actions matched. The following actions matched route data and had all constraints satisfied:
at Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Infrastructure.DefaultActionSelector.SelectAsync(RouteContext context)
at Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Infrastructure.MvcRouteHandler.<RouteAsync>d__6.MoveNext()



我通过使用 ActionConstraint 找到了解决方案。您必须添加有关重复操作的自定义操作约束属性。


第一个家庭 Controller

namespace WebApplication.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View();

第二个家庭 Controller

namespace WebApplication
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View();


app.UseMvc(cR =>
   cR.MapRoute("default", "{controller}/{action}", null, null, 
   new { Namespace = "WebApplication.Controllers.HomeController" }));

Action 约束

namespace WebApplication
    public class NamespaceConstraint : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
        public override bool IsValidForRequest(RouteContext routeContext, ActionDescriptor action)
            var dataTokenNamespace = (string)routeContext.RouteData.DataTokens.FirstOrDefault(dt => dt.Key == "Namespace").Value;
            var actionNamespace = ((ControllerActionDescriptor)action).MethodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName;

            return dataTokenNamespace == actionNamespace;


Does attribute routing funk up the routes defined by app.UseMvc()?


but it doesn't seem to do what I want. Is there a way to restrict the routing engine to a certain namespace?

Answer from developers :

Instead of using a list of namespaces to group your controllers we recommend using Areas. You can attribute your controllers (regardless of which assembly they are in) with a specific Area and then create a route for that Area.

You can see a test website that shows an example of using Areas in MVC 6 here: https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/tree/dev/test/WebSites/RoutingWebSite.

使用 Area 和基于约定的路由的示例

Controller :

//Reached through /admin/users
//have to be located into: project_root/Areas/Admin/
public class UsersController : Controller



 app.UseMvc(routes =>
         new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });

使用 Area 和基于属性的路由的示例

//Reached through /admin/users
//have to be located into: project_root/Areas/Admin/
[Route("[area]/[controller]/[action]", Name = "[area]_[controller]_[action]")]
public class UsersController : Controller

关于c# - 限制路由到 ASP.NET Core 中的 Controller 命名空间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34306891/


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