c# - Asp.net MCV4 框架问题

标签 c# asp.net asp.net-mvc-4

我使用 VS 2012 和 MVC4 制作了一个网站,它在我的本地主机上工作,但是当我发布并放置我的主机时它不起作用。 IIS 配置相同。但它给了我这个错误行:


Configuration Error 
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. 

Parser Error Message: The 'targetFramework' attribute in the <compilation> element of the Web.config file is used only to target version 4.0 and later of the .NET Framework (for example, '<compilation targetFramework="4.0">'). The 'targetFramework' attribute currently references a version that is later than the installed version of the .NET Framework. Specify a valid target version of the .NET Framework, or install the required version of the .NET Framework.

Source Error: 

Line 20:   </appSettings>
Line 21:   <system.web>
Line 22:     <compilation targetFramework="4.5" />
Line 23:     <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
Line 24:     <authentication mode="Forms">



将此标记更改为 4.0:

<compilation targetFramework="4.0" />


<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />

关于c# - Asp.net MCV4 框架问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12143777/


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