c# - 使用泛型的 xUnit 理论测试

标签 c# generics attributes xunit

在 xUnit 中,我可以有一个使用这种形式的泛型的 Theory 测试:

public void TestMethod<T>(T myType)
    Assert.Equal(typeof(double), typeof(T));

public static IEnumerable<object[]> SomeScenario()
    yield return new object[] { 1.23D };

这将给我通用 T 参数作为 double。是否可以使用 MemberData 为具有如下签名的测试指定泛型类型参数:

public void TestMethod<T>()
    Assert.Equal(typeof(double), typeof(T));

如果不能使用 MemberData 或任何其他提供的属性(我怀疑它不是),是否可以为 Xunit 创建一个可以实现此目的的属性?也许类似于在 Scenarios 方法中指定类型并以与 Jon Skeet 在这里的回答类似的方式使用反射:Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter


您可以简单地将 Type 作为输入参数包含在内。例如:

public void TestMethod(Type type) {
  Assert.Equal(typeof(double), type);

public static IEnumerable<object[]> SomeScenario() {
  yield return new object[] { typeof(double) };

没有必要在 xunit 上使用泛型。


1) 你需要子类化 ITestMethod 来保存泛型方法信息,它还必须实现 IXunitSerializable

// assuming namespace Contosco
public class GenericTestMethod : MarshalByRefObject, ITestMethod, IXunitSerializable
    public IMethodInfo Method { get; set; }
    public ITestClass TestClass { get; set; }
    public ITypeInfo GenericArgument { get; set; }

    /// <summary />
    [Obsolete("Called by the de-serializer; should only be called by deriving classes for de-serialization purposes")]
    public GenericTestMethod()

    public GenericTestMethod(ITestClass @class, IMethodInfo method, ITypeInfo genericArgument)
        this.Method = method;
        this.TestClass = @class;
        this.GenericArgument = genericArgument;

    public void Serialize(IXunitSerializationInfo info)
        info.AddValue("MethodName", (object) this.Method.Name, (Type) null);
        info.AddValue("TestClass", (object) this.TestClass, (Type) null);
        info.AddValue("GenericArgumentAssemblyName", GenericArgument.Assembly.Name);
        info.AddValue("GenericArgumentTypeName", GenericArgument.Name);

    public static Type GetType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
#if XUNIT_FRAMEWORK    // This behavior is only for v2, and only done on the remote app domain side
        if (assemblyName.EndsWith(ExecutionHelper.SubstitutionToken, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            assemblyName = assemblyName.Substring(0, assemblyName.Length - ExecutionHelper.SubstitutionToken.Length + 1) + ExecutionHelper.PlatformSuffix;

#if NET35 || NET452
        // Support both long name ("assembly, version=x.x.x.x, etc.") and short name ("assembly")
        var assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(a => a.FullName == assemblyName || a.GetName().Name == assemblyName);
        if (assembly == null)
                assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
            catch { }
        System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = null;
            // Make sure we only use the short form
            var an = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);
            assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName { Name = an.Name, Version = an.Version });

        catch { }

        if (assembly == null)
            return null;

        return assembly.GetType(typeName);

    public void Deserialize(IXunitSerializationInfo info)
        this.TestClass = info.GetValue<ITestClass>("TestClass");
        string assemblyName = info.GetValue<string>("GenericArgumentAssemblyName");
        string typeName = info.GetValue<string>("GenericArgumentTypeName");
        this.GenericArgument = Reflector.Wrap(GetType(assemblyName, typeName));
        this.Method = this.TestClass.Class.GetMethod(info.GetValue<string>("MethodName"), true).MakeGenericMethod(GenericArgument);

2) 您需要为泛型方法编写自己的发现器,它必须是 IXunitTestCaseDiscoverer

// assuming namespace Contosco
public class GenericMethodDiscoverer : IXunitTestCaseDiscoverer
    public GenericMethodDiscoverer(IMessageSink diagnosticMessageSink)
        DiagnosticMessageSink = diagnosticMessageSink;

    protected IMessageSink DiagnosticMessageSink { get; }

    public IEnumerable<IXunitTestCase> Discover(ITestFrameworkDiscoveryOptions discoveryOptions,
        ITestMethod testMethod, IAttributeInfo factAttribute)
        var result = new List<IXunitTestCase>();
        var types = factAttribute.GetNamedArgument<Type[]>("Types");
        foreach (var type in types)
            var typeInfo = new ReflectionTypeInfo(type);
            var genericMethodInfo = testMethod.Method.MakeGenericMethod(typeInfo);
            var genericTestMethod = new GenericTestMethod(testMethod.TestClass, genericMethodInfo, typeInfo);

                new XunitTestCase(DiagnosticMessageSink, discoveryOptions.MethodDisplayOrDefault(),

        return result;

3) 最后,您可以为通用方法创建属性,并通过 XunitTestCaseDiscoverer 属性将其挂接到您的自定义发现器

// assuming namespace Contosco
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
[XunitTestCaseDiscoverer("Contosco.GenericMethodDiscoverer", "Contosco")]
public sealed class GenericMethodAttribute : FactAttribute
    public Type[] Types { get; private set; }

    public GenericMethodAttribute(Type[] types)
        Types = types;


[GenericMethod(new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(int) })]
public void TestGeneric<T>()
  Assert.Equal(typeof(T), typeof(double));

关于c# - 使用泛型的 xUnit 理论测试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39570641/


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