c# - 如何找到两种类型中最小的可分配类型(重复)?

标签 c# reflection types



public static Type FindInterfaceWith(this Type type1, Type type2) {
    // returns most suitable common implemented interface

public static Type FindBaseClassWith(this Type type1, Type type2) {
    // returns most derivative of common base class
  • FindInterfaceWith 如果它们没有共同实现的接口(interface),则返回 null
  • FindBaseClassWith 如果它们没有更多派生公共(public)基类,则返回 System.Object
  • FindBaseClassWith 如果参数之一是接口(interface),则返回 null
  • 如果任何参数为 null,它们都返回 null


public static Type FindAssignableWith(this Type type1, Type type2) {
    // what should be here?


是否有好的方法可以找到type1type2 之间最适合的通用类型?



根据我个人的理解,由于类能够实现多个接口(interface)FindInterfaceWith 可能需要调用 FindBaseClassWith 内部;否则类型的最佳选择将无法确定。

如果这个假设是正确的,那么 FindInterfaceWith 就变成了一个多余的方法;因为 FindInterfaceWithFindAssignableWith 之间的唯一区别是:

FindInterfaceWith 如果有最佳类选择,则返回 null;而 FindAssignableWith 直接返回确切的类。


这是说最初的假设是不合理的。也就是说,如果 FindAssignableWith 不是,则无法实现 FindInterfaceWith



FindAssignableWith , FindBaseClassWithFindInterfaceWith实现

// provide common base class or implemented interface
public static Type FindAssignableWith(this Type typeLeft, Type typeRight)
    if(typeLeft == null || typeRight == null) return null;

    var commonBaseClass = typeLeft.FindBaseClassWith(typeRight) ?? typeof(object);

    return commonBaseClass.Equals(typeof(object))
            ? typeLeft.FindInterfaceWith(typeRight)
            : commonBaseClass;

// searching for common base class (either concrete or abstract)
public static Type FindBaseClassWith(this Type typeLeft, Type typeRight)
    if(typeLeft == null || typeRight == null) return null;

    return typeLeft
            .FirstOrDefault(type => !type.IsInterface);

// searching for common implemented interface
// it's possible for one class to implement multiple interfaces, 
// in this case return first common based interface
public static Type FindInterfaceWith(this Type typeLeft, Type typeRight)
    if(typeLeft == null || typeRight == null) return null;

    return typeLeft

// iterate on interface hierarhy
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetInterfaceHierarchy(this Type type)
    if(type.IsInterface) return new [] { type }.AsEnumerable();

    return type
            .OrderByDescending(current => current.GetInterfaces().Count())

// interate on class hierarhy
public static IEnumerable<Type> GetClassHierarchy(this Type type)
    if(type == null) yield break;

    Type typeInHierarchy = type;

        yield return typeInHierarchy;
        typeInHierarchy = typeInHierarchy.BaseType;
    while(typeInHierarchy != null && !typeInHierarchy.IsInterface);


任何实现 IEnumerable 的接口(interface)或 IEnumerable<T>将在其他人之前被选中,我认为不正确

FindInterfaceWith 的开放式问题

允许在一个类中实现多个接口(interface),在这种情况下,第一个接口(interface)将由 FindInterfaceWith 返回, 因为无法知道是哪个接口(interface) IAIB通常在以下示例中更可取



    public interface IBase {}
    public interface ISomething {}
    public interface IDerivied: IBase {}
    public interface IDeriviedRight: IDerivied {}
    public interface IDeriviedLeft: IDerivied, IDisposable {}

    public class AnotherDisposable: IDisposable {
        public void Dispose() {

    public class DeriviedLeft: IDeriviedLeft {
        public void Dispose() {

    public class SubDeriviedLeft: DeriviedLeft {}
    public class SecondSubDeriviedLeft: DeriviedLeft {}
    public class ThirdSubDeriviedLeft: DeriviedLeft, ISomething {}

    public class Another {}
    public class DeriviedRight: IDeriviedRight {}


和一组使用 NUnit 的测试用例断言:


// FindBaseClassWith returns null if one of parameters was an interface. 
// FindBaseClassWith  return null if any of parameter was null. 
Assert.That(typeof(DeriviedLeft).FindBaseClassWith(typeof(DeriviedLeft)), Is.EqualTo(typeof(DeriviedLeft)));


// FindInterfaceWith returns null if they don't have common implemented interface. 
// FindBaseClassWith  return null if any of parameter was null. 
Assert.That(typeof(DeriviedLeft).FindInterfaceWith(typeof(DeriviedLeft)), Is.EqualTo(typeof(IDeriviedLeft)));


Assert.That(typeof(DeriviedLeft).FindAssignableWith(typeof(DeriviedLeft)), Is.SameAs(typeof(DeriviedLeft)));

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