c# - 字符串比较 == 是否仅因为字符串不可变才起作用?

标签 c# .net string


string str1 = "foofoo";
string strFoo = "foo";
string str2 = strFoo + strFoo;

// Even thought str1 and str2 reference 2 different
//objects the following assertion is true.

Debug.Assert(str1 == str2);

这是否纯粹是因为 .NET 运行时识别字符串的值是相同的并且因为字符串是不可变的使得 str2 的引用等于 str1 的引用?

所以当我们执行 str1 == str2 时,我们实际上比较引用而不是不是值?我原本以为这是语法糖的产物,但我错了吗?



答案在 C# 规范 §7.10.7 中

The string equality operators compare string values rather than string references. When two separate string instances contain the exact same sequence of characters, the values of the strings are equal, but the references are different. As described in §7.10.6, the reference type equality operators can be used to compare string references instead of string values.

关于c# - 字符串比较 == 是否仅因为字符串不可变才起作用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8914095/


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