c# - Hangfire 禁用并发执行 : What happens when the timeout expires?

标签 c# hangfire

根据 Hangfire 0.8.2 announcement post , Hangfire 有一个 DisableConcurrentExecution 过滤器,当应用于一个方法时,它会阻止该方法的多个实例同时执行。

DisableConcurrentExecution 过滤器采用 timeoutInSeconds int 参数。来自链接文章中的示例:

[DisableConcurrentExecution(timeoutInSeconds: 10 * 60)]
public void SomeMethod()
    // Operations performed inside a distributed lock

我的问题是:给定一个正在等待为 DisableConcurrentExecution 过滤方法获取锁的作业,当该作业等待的时间超过 timeoutInSeconds< 时会发生什么值?




Hangfire.Storage.DistributedLockTimeoutException: Timeout expired. The timeout elapsed prior to obtaining a distributed lock on the 'xxx' resource.
    at Hangfire.SqlServer.SqlServerDistributedLock.Acquire(IDbConnection connection, String resource, TimeSpan timeout)

关于c# - Hangfire 禁用并发执行 : What happens when the timeout expires?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40515961/


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