c# - 读取内存中的 Excel 电子表格

标签 c# linq-to-excel

如何读取刚刚发布到我的服务器的 Excel 电子表格? 我搜索了一些东西,但我只找到了如何读取带有文件名路径的 Excel 电子表格,这不是我的情况。


public ActionResult Import(HttpPostedFileBase file)
     var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(file); //using linq to excel



public class DataImportHelper : IDisposable
    private readonly string _fileName;
    private readonly string _tempFilePath;

    public DataImportHelper(HttpPostedFileBase file, string tempFilePath)
        _fileName = file.FileName;
        _tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempFilePath, _fileName);
        (new FileInfo(_tempFilePath)).Directory.Create();

    public IQueryable<T> All<T>(string sheetName = "")
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheetName))
            sheetName = (typeof (T)).Name;

        var excelSheet = new ExcelQueryFactory(_tempFilePath);

        return from t in excelSheet.Worksheet<T>(sheetName)
               select t;

    public void Dispose()



    public void AcceptsAMemoryStream()
        MemoryFile file;

        using (var f = File.OpenRead("SampleData.xlsx"))
            file = new MemoryFile(f, "multipart/form-data", "SampleData.xlsx");

            using (var importer = new DataImportHelper(file, "Temp/"))
                var products = importer.All<Product>();



这是 MemoryFile.cs。该文件仅用于测试。它只是 HttpPostedFileBase 的一个实现,因此您可以测试您的 Controller 和我的小 helper 。这是从另一个帖子借来的。

 public class MemoryFile : HttpPostedFileBase
        Stream stream;
        string contentType;
        string fileName;

        public MemoryFile(Stream stream, string contentType, string fileName)
            this.stream = stream;
            this.contentType = contentType;
            this.fileName = fileName;

        public override int ContentLength
            get { return (int)stream.Length; }

        public override string ContentType
            get { return contentType; }

        public override string FileName
            get { return fileName; }

        public override Stream InputStream
            get { return stream; }

        public override void SaveAs(string filename)
            using (var file = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create))

关于c# - 读取内存中的 Excel 电子表格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13931808/


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