c# - 向 XNA 游戏添加类似输入框的控件

标签 c# xna

我希望我的游戏有正常的文本输入,但使用纯 XNA 似乎很不愉快。

早些时候我发现这段代码让我可以使用 MessageBox在我的游戏周围,安全地暂停其执行并显示一条消息:

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern uint MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);

是否有类似的东西可以添加 InputBox我的游戏的功能,最好不要中断(暂停)游戏?


啊,文本输入 - 我最近有这方面的经验。



  • 你必须编写一个巨大的开关来检测按下了什么键
  • 您必须手动检测是否大写字母(Shift 或 CapsLock)
  • 你必须破译那些OemPeriod -like 键(如在测试中)以查看它们的实际位置,并将它们映射到特定值。
  • 无法检测/使用键盘布局或键盘语言
  • 如果键被按住,您必须实现自己的定时重复机制

  • 问题的第二部分是检测您的哪个文本框(或一般的 UI 控件)当前正在接收此输入,因为您不希望所有框在您键入时接收文本。

    第三,您需要在指定的边界内绘制 TextBox,您还可能想要绘制插入符号(闪烁的垂直位置指示器)、当前选择(如果您想到目前为止实现它)、表示框,以及突出显示(使用鼠标)或选中(具有焦点)状态的纹理。



    您可能不需要所有这些功能,因为我不需要它们。您只需要简单的输入和检测键,例如 Enter 或 Tab,以及鼠标点击。也许也贴。


    问题是(至少当我们谈论 Windows 时,而不是 X-Box 或 WP7 时),操作系统已经拥有从键盘实现您需要的一切所需的机制:
  • 根据当前键盘布局和语言提供字符
  • 自动处理重复输入(在按键被按住的情况下)
  • 自动大写并提供特殊字符

  • 我用来获取键盘输入的解决方案,我已经复制了 this Gamedev.net forum post .它是下面的代码,您只需要将其复制粘贴到一个 .cs 文件中,您将永远不必再次打开该文件。

    它用于从您的键盘接收本地化输入,您需要做的就是在您的 Game.Initialize() 中对其进行初始化。覆盖方法(通过使用 Game.Window),并连接到事件以在您想要的任何地方接收输入。

    您需要添加 PresentationCore (PresentationCore.dll) 到您的引用以使用此代码(需要 System.Windows.Input 命名空间)。这适用于 .NET 4.0 和 .NET 4.0 Client Profile。

    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;   
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
    using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Input;
    namespace EventInput
        public class KeyboardLayout
            const uint KLF_ACTIVATE = 1; //activate the layout
            const int KL_NAMELENGTH = 9; // length of the keyboard buffer
            const string LANG_EN_US = "00000409";
            const string LANG_HE_IL = "0001101A";
            private static extern long LoadKeyboardLayout(
                  string pwszKLID,  // input locale identifier
                  uint Flags       // input locale identifier options
            private static extern long GetKeyboardLayoutName(
                  System.Text.StringBuilder pwszKLID  //[out] string that receives the name of the locale identifier
            public static string getName()
                System.Text.StringBuilder name = new System.Text.StringBuilder(KL_NAMELENGTH);
                return name.ToString();
        public class CharacterEventArgs : EventArgs
            private readonly char character;
            private readonly int lParam;
            public CharacterEventArgs(char character, int lParam)
                this.character = character;
                this.lParam = lParam;
            public char Character
                get { return character; }
            public int Param
                get { return lParam; }
            public int RepeatCount
                get { return lParam & 0xffff; }
            public bool ExtendedKey
                get { return (lParam & (1 << 24)) > 0; }
            public bool AltPressed
                get { return (lParam & (1 << 29)) > 0; }
            public bool PreviousState
                get { return (lParam & (1 << 30)) > 0; }
            public bool TransitionState
                get { return (lParam & (1 << 31)) > 0; }
        public class KeyEventArgs : EventArgs
            private Keys keyCode;
            public KeyEventArgs(Keys keyCode)
                this.keyCode = keyCode;
            public Keys KeyCode
                get { return keyCode; }
        public delegate void CharEnteredHandler(object sender, CharacterEventArgs e);
        public delegate void KeyEventHandler(object sender, KeyEventArgs e);
        public static class EventInput
            /// <summary>
            /// Event raised when a character has been entered.
            /// </summary>
            public static event CharEnteredHandler CharEntered;
            /// <summary>
            /// Event raised when a key has been pressed down. May fire multiple times due to keyboard repeat.
            /// </summary>
            public static event KeyEventHandler KeyDown;
            /// <summary>
            /// Event raised when a key has been released.
            /// </summary>
            public static event KeyEventHandler KeyUp;
            delegate IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
            static bool initialized;
            static IntPtr prevWndProc;
            static WndProc hookProcDelegate;
            static IntPtr hIMC;
            //various Win32 constants that we need
            const int GWL_WNDPROC = -4;
            const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100;
            const int WM_KEYUP = 0x101;
            const int WM_CHAR = 0x102;
            const int WM_IME_SETCONTEXT = 0x0281;
            const int WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE = 0x51;
            const int WM_GETDLGCODE = 0x87;
            const int WM_IME_COMPOSITION = 0x10f;
            const int DLGC_WANTALLKEYS = 4;
            //Win32 functions that we're using
            [DllImport("Imm32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
            static extern IntPtr ImmGetContext(IntPtr hWnd);
            [DllImport("Imm32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
            static extern IntPtr ImmAssociateContext(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hIMC);
            [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
            static extern IntPtr CallWindowProc(IntPtr lpPrevWndFunc, IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
            [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
            static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);
            /// <summary>
            /// Initialize the TextInput with the given GameWindow.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="window">The XNA window to which text input should be linked.</param>
            public static void Initialize(GameWindow window)
                if (initialized)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("TextInput.Initialize can only be called once!");
                hookProcDelegate = new WndProc(HookProc);
                prevWndProc = (IntPtr)SetWindowLong(window.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC,
                hIMC = ImmGetContext(window.Handle);
                initialized = true;
            static IntPtr HookProc(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
                IntPtr returnCode = CallWindowProc(prevWndProc, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
                switch (msg)
                    case WM_GETDLGCODE:
                        returnCode = (IntPtr)(returnCode.ToInt32() | DLGC_WANTALLKEYS);
                    case WM_KEYDOWN:
                        if (KeyDown != null)
                            KeyDown(null, new KeyEventArgs((Keys)wParam));
                    case WM_KEYUP:
                        if (KeyUp != null)
                            KeyUp(null, new KeyEventArgs((Keys)wParam));
                    case WM_CHAR:
                        if (CharEntered != null)
                            CharEntered(null, new CharacterEventArgs((char)wParam, lParam.ToInt32()));
                    case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT:
                        if (wParam.ToInt32() == 1)
                            ImmAssociateContext(hWnd, hIMC);
                    case WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE:
                        ImmAssociateContext(hWnd, hIMC);
                        returnCode = (IntPtr)1;
                return returnCode;

    现在您已经可以按原样使用它(通过订阅 EventInput.CharEntered 事件),并使用逻辑来检测将输入发送到何处。

    KeyboardDispatcher, IKeyboardSubscriber

    我所做的是创建一个类 KeyboardDispatcher ,它通过具有类型 IKeyboardSubscriber 的属性来处理键盘输入的调度。它向其发送接收到的输入。这个想法是您将此属性设置为要接收输入的 UI 控件。

    public interface IKeyboardSubscriber
        void RecieveTextInput(char inputChar);
        void RecieveTextInput(string text);
        void RecieveCommandInput(char command);
        void RecieveSpecialInput(Keys key);
        bool Selected { get; set; } //or Focused
    public class KeyboardDispatcher
        public KeyboardDispatcher(GameWindow window)
            EventInput.EventInput.CharEntered += new EventInput.CharEnteredHandler(EventInput_CharEntered);
            EventInput.EventInput.KeyDown += new EventInput.KeyEventHandler(EventInput_KeyDown);
        void EventInput_KeyDown(object sender, EventInput.KeyEventArgs e)
            if (_subscriber == null)
        void EventInput_CharEntered(object sender, EventInput.CharacterEventArgs e)
            if (_subscriber == null)
            if (char.IsControl(e.Character))
                if (e.Character == 0x16)
                    //XNA runs in Multiple Thread Apartment state, which cannot recieve clipboard
                    Thread thread = new Thread(PasteThread);
        IKeyboardSubscriber _subscriber;
        public IKeyboardSubscriber Subscriber
            get { return _subscriber; }
                if (_subscriber != null)
                    _subscriber.Selected = false;
                _subscriber = value;
                    value.Selected = true;
        //Thread has to be in Single Thread Apartment state in order to receive clipboard
        string _pasteResult = "";
        void PasteThread()
            if (Clipboard.ContainsText())
                _pasteResult = Clipboard.GetText();
                _pasteResult = "";

    用法相当简单,实例化KeyboardDispatcher ,即在 Game.Initialize()并保留对它的引用(以便您可以在选定的 [focused] 控件之间切换),并将使用 IKeyboardSubscriber 的类传递给它界面,例如您的 TextBox .


    public delegate void TextBoxEvent(TextBox sender);
    public class TextBox : IKeyboardSubscriber
        Texture2D _textBoxTexture;
        Texture2D _caretTexture;
        SpriteFont _font;
        public int X { get; set; }
        public int Y { get; set; }
        public int Width { get; set; }
        public int Height { get; private set; }
        public bool Highlighted { get; set; }
        public bool PasswordBox { get; set; }
        public event TextBoxEvent Clicked;
        string _text = "";
        public String Text
                return _text;
                _text = value;
                if (_text == null)
                    _text = "";
                if (_text != "")
                    //if you attempt to display a character that is not in your font
                    //you will get an exception, so we filter the characters
                    //remove the filtering if you're using a default character in your spritefont
                    String filtered = "";
                    foreach (char c in value)
                        if (_font.Characters.Contains(c))
                            filtered += c;
                    _text = filtered;
                    while (_font.MeasureString(_text).X > Width)
                        //to ensure that text cannot be larger than the box
                        _text = _text.Substring(0, _text.Length - 1);
        public TextBox(Texture2D textBoxTexture, Texture2D caretTexture, SpriteFont font)
            _textBoxTexture = textBoxTexture;
            _caretTexture = caretTexture;
            _font = font;           
            _previousMouse = Mouse.GetState();
        MouseState _previousMouse;
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            MouseState mouse = Mouse.GetState();
            Point mousePoint = new Point(mouse.X, mouse.Y);
            Rectangle position = new Rectangle(X, Y, Width, Height);
            if (position.Contains(mousePoint))
                Highlighted = true;
                if (_previousMouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                    if (Clicked != null)
                Highlighted = false;
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime)
            bool caretVisible = true;
            if ((gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds % 1000) < 500)
                caretVisible = false;
                caretVisible = true;
            String toDraw = Text;
            if (PasswordBox)
                toDraw = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++)
                    toDraw += (char) 0x2022; //bullet character (make sure you include it in the font!!!!)
            //my texture was split vertically in 2 parts, upper was unhighlighted, lower was highlighted version of the box
            spriteBatch.Draw(_textBoxTexture, new Rectangle(X, Y, Width, Height), new Rectangle(0, Highlighted ? (_textBoxTexture.Height / 2) : 0, _textBoxTexture.Width, _textBoxTexture.Height / 2), Color.White);
            Vector2 size = _font.MeasureString(toDraw);
            if (caretVisible && Selected)
                spriteBatch.Draw(_caretTexture, new Vector2(X + (int)size.X + 2, Y + 2), Color.White); //my caret texture was a simple vertical line, 4 pixels smaller than font size.Y
            //shadow first, then the actual text
            spriteBatch.DrawString(_font, toDraw, new Vector2(X, Y) + Vector2.One, Color.Black);
            spriteBatch.DrawString(_font, toDraw, new Vector2(X, Y), Color.White);
        public void RecieveTextInput(char inputChar)
            Text = Text + inputChar;
        public void RecieveTextInput(string text)
            Text = Text + text;
        public void RecieveCommandInput(char command)
            switch (command)
                case '\b': //backspace
                    if (Text.Length > 0)
                        Text = Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1);
                case '\r': //return
                    if (OnEnterPressed != null)
                case '\t': //tab
                    if (OnTabPressed != null)
        public void RecieveSpecialInput(Keys key)
        public event TextBoxEvent OnEnterPressed;
        public event TextBoxEvent OnTabPressed;
        public bool Selected

    当您实例化 TextBox 时,别忘了设置X , Y , 和 Width (!!!) 实例上的值( Height 由字体自动设置)。

    我用于盒子的纹理是 TextBoxTexture (未突出显示有渐变,在黑色背景上看起来不错:))

    要显示该框,请拨打 .Draw()实例上的方法(在您的 Game.Draw() 方法中),spritebatch 已经启动(SpriteBatch.Begin() 被调用!!!)。对于您显示的每个框,如果您希望它接收鼠标输入,您应该调用 .Update()方法。

    当您希望特定实例接收键盘输入时,请使用您的 KeyboardDispatcher订阅它的实例,例如:
    _keyboardDispatcher.Subscriber = _usernameTextBox;

    您可以使用 Click , TabEnter文本框上的事件以切换订阅者(我推荐这样做,因为当您可以通过选项卡浏览它并单击以选择时,它会给 UI 带来非常好的感觉)。





    关于c# - 向 XNA 游戏添加类似输入框的控件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10216757/


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