c# - 查找所有父类型(包括基类和接口(interface))

标签 c# .net


EG 如果我有

class A : B, C { }
class B : D { }
interface C : E { }
class D { }
interface E { }

我想知道 A B C D and E and Object




public static IEnumerable<Type> ParentTypes(this Type type)
        foreach (Type i in type.GetInterfaces())
            yield return i;
            foreach (Type t in i.ParentTypes())
                yield return t;

        if (type.BaseType != null)
            yield return type.BaseType;
            foreach (Type b in type.BaseType.ParentTypes())
                yield return b;




public static bool InheritsFrom(this Type type, Type baseType)
    // null does not have base type
    if (type == null)
        return false;

    // only interface or object can have null base type
    if (baseType == null)
        return type.IsInterface || type == typeof(object);

    // check implemented interfaces
    if (baseType.IsInterface)
        return type.GetInterfaces().Contains(baseType);

    // check all base types
    var currentType = type;
    while (currentType != null)
        if (currentType.BaseType == baseType)
            return true;

        currentType = currentType.BaseType;

    return false;


public static IEnumerable<Type> GetParentTypes(this Type type)
    // is there any base type?
    if (type == null)
        yield break;

    // return all implemented or inherited interfaces
    foreach (var i in type.GetInterfaces())
        yield return i;

    // return all inherited types
    var currentBaseType = type.BaseType;
    while (currentBaseType != null)
        yield return currentBaseType;
        currentBaseType= currentBaseType.BaseType;

关于c# - 查找所有父类型(包括基类和接口(interface)),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8868119/


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