c# - AutoMapper:如何从 String 解析 Int 并可能根据数据类型创建规则?

标签 c# automapper casting

我的表单有两个模型,一个用于它的 ViewModel 和一个来自它的 ControlModel。 ControlModel 具有所有相同的字段名称和层次结构,但所有字段都是字符串数据类型。

您将如何编写 AutoMapper 代码以将字符串字段转换为整数?我尝试了 Int32.Parse(myString) 但 Int32 在表达式中不可用(给出错误)。

Mapper.CreateMap<SourceClass, DestinationClass>()
      .ForMember(dest => dest.myInteger, 
                  opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.myString));


字符串到 int、int?、double、double?、DateTime 和 bool




AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<string, int>()
          .ConvertUsing(src => Convert.ToInt32(src));

编辑: 这post真的很有帮助



Mapper.CreateMap<string, int>().ConvertUsing<IntTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, int?>().ConvertUsing<NullIntTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, decimal?>().ConvertUsing<NullDecimalTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, decimal>().ConvertUsing<DecimalTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, bool?>().ConvertUsing<NullBooleanTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, bool>().ConvertUsing<BooleanTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, Int64?>().ConvertUsing<NullInt64TypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, Int64>().ConvertUsing<Int64TypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, DateTime?>().ConvertUsing<NullDateTimeTypeConverter>();
Mapper.CreateMap<string, DateTime>().ConvertUsing<DateTimeTypeConverter>();

Mapper.CreateMap<SourceClass, DestClass>();

Mapper.Map(mySourceObject, myDestinationObject);


// TODO: Boil down to two with Generics if possible
#region AutoMapTypeConverters
// Automap type converter definitions for 
// int, int?, decimal, decimal?, bool, bool?, Int64, Int64?, DateTime
// Automapper string to int?
private class NullIntTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, int?>
{   protected override int? ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            return null;
        {   int result;
            return Int32.TryParse(source, out result) ? (int?) result : null;
}   }   }
// Automapper string to int
private class IntTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, int>
{   protected override int ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            throw new MappingException("null string value cannot convert to non-nullable return type.");
            return Int32.Parse(source); 
}   }
// Automapper string to decimal?
private class NullDecimalTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, decimal?>
{   protected override decimal? ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            return null;
        {   decimal result;
            return Decimal.TryParse(source, out result) ? (decimal?) result : null;
}   }   }
// Automapper string to decimal
private class DecimalTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, decimal>
{   protected override decimal ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            throw new MappingException("null string value cannot convert to non-nullable return type.");
            return Decimal.Parse(source); 
}   }
// Automapper string to bool?
private class NullBooleanTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, bool?>
{   protected override bool? ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            return null;
        {   bool result;
            return Boolean.TryParse(source, out result) ? (bool?) result : null;
}   }   }
// Automapper string to bool
private class BooleanTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, bool>
{   protected override bool ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            throw new MappingException("null string value cannot convert to non-nullable return type.");
            return Boolean.Parse(source); 
}   }
// Automapper string to Int64?
private class NullInt64TypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, Int64?>
{   protected override Int64? ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            return null;
        {   Int64 result;
            return Int64.TryParse(source, out result) ? (Int64?)result : null;
}   }   }
// Automapper string to Int64
private class Int64TypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, Int64>
{   protected override Int64 ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            throw new MappingException("null string value cannot convert to non-nullable return type.");
            return Int64.Parse(source); 
}   }
// Automapper string to DateTime?
// In our case, the datetime will be a JSON2.org datetime
// Example: "/Date(1288296203190)/"
private class NullDateTimeTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, DateTime?>
{   protected override DateTime? ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            return null;
        {   DateTime result;
            return DateTime.TryParse(source, out result) ? (DateTime?) result : null;
}   }   }
// Automapper string to DateTime
private class DateTimeTypeConverter : TypeConverter<string, DateTime>
{   protected override DateTime ConvertCore(string source)
    {   if (source == null)
            throw new MappingException("null string value cannot convert to non-nullable return type.");
            return DateTime.Parse(source); 
}   }

关于c# - AutoMapper:如何从 String 解析 Int 并可能根据数据类型创建规则?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101516/


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