javascript - 如何在 AngularJS 中存储用户 session ?

标签 javascript angularjs authentication session cookies

我刚刚开始使用 AngularJS,我正在尝试将用户 session 存储在我的 AngularApp 上。

提交用户名和密码的第一步有效。 之后,我将从服务中检索到的 username 存储在 $rootScope 中。 下一页可以显示存储的用户名

但是在刷新之后,$rootScope 是空的。


myApp.controller('loginController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$location', 'AuthService', '$route',
  function ($scope, $rootScope, $location, AuthService, $route) {

      $scope.login = function (credentials) {
        AuthService.login(credentials).then(function (response) {
          if( == "0"){
            alert("Identifiant ou mot de passe incorrect");
          else {
            // is the JSON below 
            $rootScope.credentials =;           


AuthService.login() 发出一个 $http 请求。


 {user_id: 1, user_name: "u1", user_display_name: "Steffi"} 


 <div>Welcome {{ credentials.user_display_name }}!</div>

我尝试了很多教程,但我无法使 session 正常工作。 我已经使用过 UserApp,但它对我来说不好。我想创建自己的简单身份验证。




An AngularJS module that makes Web Storage working in the Angular Way. Contains two services: $localStorage and $sessionStorage.

Differences with Other Implementations

No Getter 'n' Setter Bullshit - Right from AngularJS homepage: "Unlike other frameworks, there is no need to [...] wrap the model in accessors methods. Just plain old JavaScript here." Now you can enjoy the same benefit while achieving data persistence with Web Storage.

sessionStorage - We got this often-overlooked buddy covered.

Cleanly-Authored Code - Written in the Angular Way, well-structured with testability in mind.

No Cookie Fallback - With Web Storage being readily available in all the browsers AngularJS officially supports, such fallback is largely redundant.


Working Demo

var eS = angular.module('exampleStore', ['localStorage']);

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