javascript - 为什么要在构造函数之外设置 React 组件的状态?

标签 javascript reactjs ecmascript-6

所以我刚刚从 React 框架下载了源代码,但在终端中出现了这个错误:

  ERROR in ./src/components/TextEditor.js
  Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (24:8)

  22 | 
  23 |   // Set the initial state when the app is first constructed.
> 24 |   state = {
     |         ^
  25 |     state: initialState
  26 |   }
  27 | 

我的问题是,为什么人们要这样设置 React 组件的状态?如果它对某些人来说是错误的,那有什么好处呢?另外,是否有 Babel 预设或插件可以防止此错误?


constructor() {
  this.state = {
    state: initialState


// Import React!
import React from 'react'
import {Editor, Raw} from 'slate'

const initialState = Raw.deserialize({
  nodes: [
      kind: 'block',
      type: 'paragraph',
      nodes: [
          kind: 'text',
          text: 'A line of text in a paragraph.'
}, { terse: true })

// Define our app...
export default class TextEditor extends React.Component {

  // Set the initial state when the app is first constructed.
  state = {
    state: initialState

  // On change, update the app's React state with the new editor state.
  render() {
    return (
        onChange={state => this.setState({ state })}



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