javascript - 复杂形状人物轮廓

标签 javascript three.js outline

假设我有这个 Angular 色,我想让用户选择它,所以当它被选中时,我想在它周围显示一个轮廓。

enter image description here enter image description here

Angular 色是一个带有一些网格的 object3D。 我尝试克隆并设置背面 Material ,但没有用,问题是形状中的每个立方体都单独渲染背面,所以轮廓是错误的。



@spassvolgel 写的是正确的;

What I suspect needs to be done is something like this: 1. First the background needs to be rendered 2. Then, on a separate transparent layer, the character model with a flat color, slightly bigger than the original, 3. On another transparent layer the character with its normal material / texture 4. Finally, the character layer needs to go on top of the outline layer and them combined need to be placed in the bg


renderer.autoClear = false;
. . . 

renderer.render(scene, camera); // the entire scene
renderer.render(scene2, camera); // just the selected item, larger, in a flat color
renderer.render(scene3, camera); // the selected item again


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