javascript - 如何在 Windows Phone 7 浏览器中通过 javascript 打开新窗口或标签页

标签 javascript windows-phone-7 windows-phone

是否可以在 Windows Phone 7 浏览器中通过 javascript 打开新窗口或标签页? 似乎不受支持,target='_blank' 也不受支持。

我是不是漏掉了什么?这个基本功能在 iphone 和 android 上工作得很好。 关于如何使它在 Windows Phone 7 中工作的任何想法?


在 Windows Phone 7 上,这无法以编程方式实现。一切尽在用户手中。

引用 Microsoft employee :

"A user can open a link in a new Tab by tapping and holding the link to get the context menu but an anchor or scripts request to target a new window is ignored.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Cross-window communications are not supported.
  • Windows Phone only has one instance of the browser so new "windows" have to be opened as Tab's.
  • The browser experience is full screen so the user has no good visual cue that they have moved to a new Tab unless they explicity request it.
  • Navigating "back" in a new Tab exits the browser which would be confusing to the user if they did not know a new Tab was created."

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