javascript - 如何在javascript中获取GET变量的值?

标签 javascript get


Possible Duplicate:
Get query string values in JavaScript

如何在 javascript 中获取 get 变量?

我想在 jquery 函数中传递它。

function updateTabs(){

            //var number=$_GET['number']; how can i do this?
        $( "#tabs" ).tabs({ selected: number });



var $_GET = {};
if(document.location.toString().indexOf('?') !== -1) {
    var query = document.location
                   // get the query string
                   .replace(/^.*?\?/, '')
                   // and remove any existing hash string (thanks, @vrijdenker)
                   .replace(/#.*$/, '')

    for(var i=0, l=query.length; i<l; i++) {
       var aux = decodeURIComponent(query[i]).split('=');
       $_GET[aux[0]] = aux[1];
//get the 'index' query parameter

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