javascript - Luhn算法的实现

标签 javascript algorithm luhn

我正在尝试实现信用卡号的简单验证。我读到了 Luhn 算法 on Wikipedia :

  1. Counting from the check digit, which is the rightmost, and moving left, double the value of every second digit.
  2. Sum the digits of the products (e.g., 10: 1 + 0 = 1, 14: 1 + 4 = 5) together with the undoubled digits from the original number.
  3. If the total modulo 10 is equal to 0 (if the total ends in zero) then the number is valid according to the Luhn formula; else it is not valid.

在维基百科上,Luhn 算法的描述非常容易理解。但是,我也看到了 Luhn 算法的其他实现 on Rosetta Codeelsewhere (存档)。




不幸的是,上面的代码都不适合我。但我在 GitHub 上找到了一个可行的解决方案

// takes the form field value and returns true on valid number
function valid_credit_card(value) {
// accept only digits, dashes or spaces
    if (/[^0-9-\s]+/.test(value)) return false;

// The Luhn Algorithm. It's so pretty.
    var nCheck = 0, nDigit = 0, bEven = false;
    value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");

    for (var n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
        var cDigit = value.charAt(n),
            nDigit = parseInt(cDigit, 10);

        if (bEven) {
            if ((nDigit *= 2) > 9) nDigit -= 9;

        nCheck += nDigit;
        bEven = !bEven;

    return (nCheck % 10) == 0;

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