javascript - 为什么 JavaScript Arguments 对象会因赋值给参数而发生变化?

标签 javascript ecmascript-5


function f(x) {
  x = 42;

// => 1
// => 42

也许这是一个真正的错误。 ECMAScript 规范的哪一部分定义了这种行为?


实际上,在严格模式下,这不会发生为you can see here .

如果您阅读 ECMA Standard 的第 10.6 节,特别是注释 1,您会看到:

For non-strict mode functions the array index (defined in 15.4) named data properties of an arguments object whose numeric name values are less than the number of formal parameters of the corresponding function object initially share their values with the corresponding argument bindings in the function‘s execution context. This means that changing the property changes the corresponding value of the argument binding and vice-versa. This correspondence is broken if such a property is deleted and then redefined or if the property is changed into an accessor property. For strict mode functions, the values of the arguments object‘s properties are simply a copy of the arguments passed to the function and there is no dynamic linkage between the property values and the formal parameter values.

简而言之,这就是说,在非严格模式下,命名函数参数作为 arguments 对象中的项目的别名。因此,更改命名参数的值将更改等效 arguments 项的值,反之亦然。这不是错误。这是预期的行为。


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