javascript - 关于 JavaScript 中尾随逗号的问题

标签 javascript google-closure-compiler


Possible Duplicate:
Internet Explorer, Closure Compiler and Trailing Commas

我尝试使用 Closure Compiler 压缩我的 javascript 代码并且代码的编译产生了这两个错误:

JSC_TRAILING_COMMA: Parse error. IE8 (and below) will parse trailing commas in array and object literals incorrectly. If you are targeting newer versions of JS, set the appropriate language_in option. at line 379 character 0 fontFamily : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-family").replace(/["']{1}/gi,""),

JSC_TRAILING_COMMA: Parse error. IE8 (and below) will parse trailing commas in array and object literals incorrectly. If you are targeting newer versions of JS, set the appropriate language_in option. at line 932 character 0 fontFamily : jqDiv.css("font-family"),


var jqTextareaDiv =,
                            style = {       // the current, relevant style rules for the DIV nesting the textarea
                                fontFamily     : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-family").replace(/["']{1}/gi,""),
                                fontSize       : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-size"),
                                fontStyle      : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-style"),
                                fontWeight     : jqTextareaDiv.css("font-weight"),
                                textDecoration : jqTextareaDiv.css("text-decoration"),
                                textAlign      : jqTextareaDiv.css("text-align"),
                                color          : jqTextareaDiv.css("color"),
                            jqToolbox = $('#text-edit-toolbox'),
                            jqIndicators = {
                                fontFamily                : $('#font-family-indicator'),
                                fontSize                  : $('#font-size-indicator'),
                                fontStyle                 : $('#font-format-indicators .font-style'),
                                fontWeight                : $('#font-format-indicators .font-weight'),
                                textDecorationUnderline   : $('#font-format-indicators .underline'),
                                textDecorationLineThrough : $('#font-format-indicators .line-through'),
                                textAlignLeft             : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-left'),
                                textAlignCenter           : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-center'),
                                textAlignRight            : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-right'),
                                textAlignJustify          : $('#text-alignment-indicators .align-justify')




['a', 'b', 'c',] // with trailing comma
['a', 'b', 'c']  // without trailing comma


color          : jqTextareaDiv.css("color"),

如果删除它,就会发生预期的行为。有了它,IE<9 不会喜欢它。

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