php - 在 Active Collab API 中获取分页结果

标签 php api activecollab

我刚刚发现你可以通过 api 传递 page 参数来获取分页结果,如下所示:

$projects = $client->get('projects/147/time-records?page=3')->getJson();


或者,我将如何检索几页有值(value)的数据 - 我正在为代码而苦苦挣扎!


我在 Github 上创建了一个问题- 将等待回复。


// Get all the projects

// Set the page number
$page = 1;

// Create an empty array
$project_records = array();

// Get the first page of results
$project_records_results = $client->get('projects?page=' . $page)->getJson();

// Merge the results with base array
$project_records = array_merge($project_records, $project_records_results);

// Get the next page of results, 
// if it returns something merge with the base array and continue
while ($project_records_results = $client->get('projects?page=' . ++$page)->getJson()) {
    $project_records = array_merge($project_records, $project_records_results);

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