php - 如何在一个数组PHP中设置子json数组

标签 php arrays json phpmyadmin

我是 php 的新手,我试图获取从以下响应中获得的数据,但我想将此数据设置在子数组中。这该怎么做?我有两个不同的表 categoryProduct。如何明智地显示多个产品类别。


    "data" : [
            "id" : "1",
            "recipe_name" : "Tofu Tikka",
            "ingredients" : "Firm tofu 1 pack (bite sized cube)\r\n",
            "prepration" : "Press tofu with the help of plate to remove moisture 
   and leave for 30-40 minutes, then cut in cubes.\r\n",
            "category_name":"Today's Menu"


        "category_name":"Today's Menu"
                "recipe_name":"Tofu Tikka",
                "ingredients":"Firm tofu 1 pack ",
                "prepration":"Press tofu with the help of plate"
            }, {
                "recipe_name":"Tikka Paneer",
                "ingredients":"Firm tofu 1 pack ",
                "prepration":"Press tofu with the help of plate"

下面是我的 PHP 文件

    // required headers
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
    header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");

    // include database and object files
    include_once '../config/database.php';
    include_once '../objects/product.php';

    // instantiate database and product object
    $database = new Database();
    $db = $database->getConnection();

    // initialize object
    $product = new Product($db);

    // query products
    $stmt = $product->read();
    $num = $stmt->rowCount();

    // check if more than 0 record found
    if ($num>0) {

        // products array

        // retrieve our table contents
        // fetch() is faster than fetchAll()
        while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            // extract row
            // this will make $row['name'] to
            // just $name only

                "id" => $id,
                "recipe_name" => $recipe_name,
                "ingredients" => html_entity_decode($ingredients),
                "prepration" => $prepration,
                "category_id" => $category_id,
                "category_name" => $category_name

            array_push($products_arr["data"], $product_item);

        echo json_encode($products_arr);

    } else {
        echo json_encode(
        array("message" => "No products found.")


在您的 while 循环中,您可以先通过 category_id 对食谱进行分组,而不是推送整个行数组。然后使用 array_values() 重新索引。

while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    // extract row
    // this will make $row['name'] to
    // just $name only

    // Check if category_id is already set
    if (!array_key_exists($category_id, $products_arr["data"])) {
        $products_arr["data"][$category_id] = array(
            "category_id" => $category_id,
            "category_name" => $category_name,
            "recipes" => []
    // Push the recipe details
    $products_arr["data"][$category_id]["recipes"][] = array(
        "id" => $id,
        "recipe_name" => $recipe_name,
        "ingredients" => html_entity_decode($ingredients),
        "prepration" => $prepration

    $products_arr["data"] = array_values($products_arr["data"]);

echo json_encode($products_arr);

注意:输出与您的预期结果略有不同。因为输出的 data 键具有基于类别的数组,而不是具有 category_id。如果您使用 category_id 作为 data


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