php - 如何检查php脚本是否已经在运行

标签 php cron while-loop

如何创建不可停止的 while 循环, 如果它已经在运行,请不要再次运行它,我假设如果脚本运行它将更新数据库中的最后一个 cron 时间,并且脚本将检查当前时间 - 40 秒是否小于最后一个 cron 时间。我所拥有的样本,但这是重叠的(一次又一次地运行 do process)谢谢!

ignore_user_abort(1); // run script in background 
set_time_limit(0);    // set limit to 0

function processing()
//some function here
setting::write('cron_last_time', $time); // write cron last time to database

$time = current_timestamp();  // current time
$time_before = $time - 20;   //

$settings = setting::read('module_cron_email'); // Get last cron time from database ( in array )
$time_last = $settings['setting_value'];     // Last cron time get value from array

if ($time_before < $time_last) // check if time before is less than last cron time
   processing(); //run our function
   sleep(7);    // pause for 7 seconds
   continue;   // continue
   while(true); // loop

echo "already running";



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