python - 在 Python 中使用 format() 方法打印 boolean 值 True/False

标签 python python-2.7 boolean string-formatting string.format

我试图打印 boolean 表达式的真值表。在执行此操作时,我偶然发现了以下内容:

>>> format(True, "") # shows True in a string representation, same as str(True)
>>> format(True, "^") # centers True in the middle of the output string

只要我指定了格式说明符,format()转换 True1 .我知道boolint 的子类,所以 True计算结果为 1 :

>>> format(True, "d") # shows True in a decimal format

但是为什么使用格式说明符会改变 'True'1在第一个例子中?

我转向 docs for clarification .它唯一说的是:

A general convention is that an empty format string ("") produces the same result as if you had called str() on the value. A non-empty format string typically modifies the result.

因此,当您使用格式说明符时,字符串会被修改。但是为什么从 True 改变至1如果指定了对齐运算符(例如 ^ )?


很好的问题!我相信我有答案。这需要在 C 语言中挖掘 Python 源代码,所以请耐心等待。

首先,format(obj, format_spec) 只是 obj.__format__(format_spec) 的语法糖。对于发生这种情况的具体情况,您必须查看 abstract.c ,在函数中:

PyObject *
PyObject_Format(PyObject* obj, PyObject *format_spec)
    PyObject *empty = NULL;
    PyObject *result = NULL;


    if (PyInstance_Check(obj)) {
        /* We're an instance of a classic class */
HERE -> PyObject *bound_method = PyObject_GetAttrString(obj, "__format__");
        if (bound_method != NULL) {
            result = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(bound_method,


要找到确切的调用,我们必须查看 intobject.c :

static PyObject *
int__format__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject *format_spec;


    return _PyInt_FormatAdvanced(self,
                     ^           PyBytes_AS_STRING(format_spec),
                     |           PyBytes_GET_SIZE(format_spec));
               LET'S FIND THIS

_PyInt_FormatAdvanced 实际上定义为formatter_string.c 中的宏作为 formatter.h 中的函数:

static PyObject*
format_int_or_long(PyObject* obj,
               STRINGLIB_CHAR *format_spec,
           Py_ssize_t format_spec_len,
           IntOrLongToString tostring)
    PyObject *result = NULL;
    PyObject *tmp = NULL;
    InternalFormatSpec format;

    /* check for the special case of zero length format spec, make
       it equivalent to str(obj) */
    if (format_spec_len == 0) {
        result = STRINGLIB_TOSTR(obj);   <- EXPLICIT CAST ALERT!
        goto done;

    ... // Otherwise, format the object as if it were an integer

这就是你的答案。简单检查 format_spec_len 是否为 0,如果是,将 obj 转换为字符串。众所周知,str(True)就是'True',谜底结束!

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