php - Kohana 3 的验证错误可以继承吗?

标签 php validation kohana kohana-3

我在 APPPATH/messages/validate.php 下的文件中创建了一堆错误,其中包含一堆常见消息,例如...

return array(
    'not_empty'    => ':field must not be empty.',
    'matches'      => ':field must be the same as :param1',
    'regex'        => ':field does not match the required format',
    'exact_length' => ':field must be exactly :param1 characters long',
    'min_length'   => ':field must be at least :param1 characters long',
    'max_length'   => ':field must be less than :param1 characters long',
    'in_array'     => ':field must be one of the available options',
    'digit'        => ':field must be a digit',
    'email'        => 'You must enter a valid email.',
    'name'         => 'You must enter your name.',
    'enquiry'      => 'You must enter your enquiry.',
    'captcha' => array (
        'Captcha::valid' => 'The characters you entered did not match the image. Please try again.',
        'not_empty' => 'You must enter the characters from the image.'

当我遇到类似 $errors = $post->errors('validate') 的错误时,这非常有效。


return array(
    'permissions'    => 'Please agree to the permissions',

很明显,任何 email 错误消息都将来自 validate.php(继承),但任何 permissions 错误都将来自新的包含权限错误定义的文件。

我将文件命名为 validate.php 因为继承行为似乎适用于 system 文件夹,这就是它在 SYSPATH/messages/下的名称validate.php(在 GitHub 上查看)。




return array(
    'email'        => 'You must enter a valid email.',
    'name'         => 'You must enter your name.',
    'enquiry'      => 'You must enter your enquiry.',
    'captcha' => array (
        'Captcha::valid' => 'The characters you entered did not match the image. Please try again.',
        'not_empty' => 'You must enter the characters from the image.'


return array(
    'permissions'    => 'Please agree to the permissions',

Kohana 使用这些序列来查找消息:APPPATH/messages/specific.php、APPPATH/messages/validate.php 和 SYSPATH/messages/validate.php


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