Python字符串 'in'算子实现算法和时间复杂度

标签 python string algorithm cpython

我在想 in 运算符是如何实现的,例如

>>> s1 = 'abcdef'
>>> s2 = 'bcd'
>>> s2 in s1



它是 Boyer-Moore 的组合和 Horspool .

可以查看C代码here :

Fast search/count implementation, based on a mix between Boyer-Moore and Horspool, with a few more bells and whistles on the top. For some more background, see:


When designing the new algorithm, I used the following constraints:

  • should be faster than the current brute-force algorithm for all test cases (based on real-life code), including Jim Hugunin’s worst-case test
  • small setup overhead; no dynamic allocation in the fast path (O(m) for speed, O(1) for storage)
  • sublinear search behaviour in good cases (O(n/m))
  • no worse than the current algorithm in worst case (O(nm))
  • should work well for both 8-bit strings and 16-bit or 32-bit Unicode strings (no O(σ) dependencies)
  • many real-life searches should be good, very few should be worst case
  • reasonably simple implementation

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