python - 将列表列表替换为 "condensed"列表列表,同时保持顺序

标签 python algorithm python-2.x nested-lists itertools

我有一个列表,如我附加的代码中所示。如果有任何共同值,我想链接每个子列表。然后我想用一个精简的列表列表替换列表列表。 示例:如果我有一个列表 [[1,2,3],[3,4]] 我想要 [1,2,3,4] 。如果我有 [[4,3],[1,2,3]] 我想要 [4,3,1,2]。如果我有 [[1,2,3],[a,b],[3,4],[b,c]] 我想要 [[1,2,3, 4],[a,b,c]][[a,b,c],[1,2,3,4]] 我不在乎哪个。


我的问题是当我遇到像 [[1,2,3],[10,5],[3,8,5]] 这样的案例时,我想要 [1, 2,3,10,5,8] 但使用我当前的代码,我得到 [1,2,3,8,10,5]


import itertools

a = [1,2,3]
b = [3,4]
i = [21,22]
c = [88,7,8]
e = [5,4]
d = [3, 50]
f = [8,9]
g=  [9,10]
h = [20,21]

lst = [a,b,c,i,e,d,f,g,h,a,c,i]*1000  
#I have a lot of list but not very many different lists

def any_overlap(a, b):
  sb = set(b)
  return any(itertools.imap(sb.__contains__, a))

def find_uniq(lst):
    ''' return the uniq parts of lst'''
    seen = set()
    seen_add = seen.add
    return [ x for x in lst if x not in seen and not seen_add(x)]

def overlap_inlist(o_lst, lstoflst):
    Search for overlap, using "any_overlap", of a list( o_lst) in a list of lists (lstoflst).
    If there is overlap add the uniq part of the found list to the search list, and keep 
    track of where that list was found 
    used_lst =[ ]
    n_lst =[ ]
    for lst_num, each_lst in enumerate(lstoflst):
        if any_overlap(o_lst,each_lst):
    n_lst= find_uniq(n_lst)
    return  n_lst, used_lst

def comb_list(lst):
    For each list in a list of list find all the overlaps using 'ovelap_inlist'.
    Update the list each time to delete the found lists. Return the final combined list. 
    for updated_lst in lst:
        n_lst, used_lst = overlap_inlist(updated_lst,lst)
        lst[:] = [x for i,x in enumerate(lst) if i not in used_lst]
    return lst
comb_lst = comb_list(lst)
print comb_lst


[[88, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 50, 5], [21, 22, 20]]

我想要它,所以 key 按原始顺序排列,例如:

[[88, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 50,], [21, 22, 20]]


我对 python 有点陌生。我将不胜感激任何问题的解决方案或对我当前代码的评论。我不是计算机科学家,我想可能有某种算法可以快速做到这一点(也许来自集合论?)。如果有这样的算法,请指出我正确的方向。

我可能会让这种方式变得更复杂,然后...... 谢谢!!



from itertools import chain

def condense(*lists):
    # remember original positions
    positions = {}
    for pos, item in enumerate(chain(*lists)):
        if item not in positions:
            positions[item] = pos

    # condense disregarding order
    sets = condense_sets(map(set, lists))

    # restore order
    result = [sorted(s, key=positions.get) for s in sets]
    return result if len(result) != 1 else result[0]

def condense_sets(sets):
    result = []
    for candidate in sets:
        for current in result:
            if candidate & current:   # found overlap
                current |= candidate  # combine (merge sets)

                # new items from candidate may create an overlap
                # between current set and the remaining result sets
                result = condense_sets(result) # merge such sets
        else:  # no common elements found (or result is empty)
    return result


>>> condense([1,2,3], [10,5], [3,8,5])
[1, 2, 3, 10, 5, 8]
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [3,4]
>>> i = [21,22]
>>> c = [88,7,8]
>>> e = [5,4]
>>> d = [3, 50]
>>> f = [8,9]
>>> g=  [9,10]
>>> h = [20,21]
>>> condense(*[a,b,c,i,e,d,f,g,h,a,c,i]*1000)
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 50], [88, 7, 8, 9, 10], [21, 22, 20]]
>>> condense([1], [2, 3, 2])
[[1], [2, 3]]


condense_*() 函数来自这个问题的答案。 lst_OP 来自问题的输入列表(不同大小),lst_BK - 来自 @Blckknght's answer 的测试列表(不同大小)。见 the source .


name                       time ratio comment
condense_hynekcer     5.79 msec  1.00 lst_OP
condense_hynekcer2     7.4 msec  1.28 lst_OP
condense_pillmuncher2 11.5 msec  1.99 lst_OP
condense_blckknght    16.8 msec  2.91 lst_OP
condense_jfs            26 msec  4.49 lst_OP
condense_BK           30.5 msec  5.28 lst_OP
condense_blckknght2   30.9 msec  5.34 lst_OP
condense_blckknght3   32.5 msec  5.62 lst_OP

name                       time  ratio comment
condense_blckknght     964 usec   1.00 lst_BK
condense_blckknght2   1.41 msec   1.47 lst_BK
condense_blckknght3   1.46 msec   1.51 lst_BK
condense_hynekcer2    1.95 msec   2.03 lst_BK
condense_pillmuncher2  2.1 msec   2.18 lst_BK
condense_hynekcer     2.12 msec   2.20 lst_BK
condense_BK           3.39 msec   3.52 lst_BK
condense_jfs           544 msec 563.66 lst_BK

name                       time ratio comment
condense_hynekcer     6.86 msec  1.00 lst_rnd
condense_jfs          16.8 msec  2.44 lst_rnd
condense_blckknght    28.6 msec  4.16 lst_rnd
condense_blckknght2   56.1 msec  8.18 lst_rnd
condense_blckknght3   56.3 msec  8.21 lst_rnd
condense_BK           70.2 msec 10.23 lst_rnd
condense_pillmuncher2  324 msec 47.22 lst_rnd
condense_hynekcer2     334 msec 48.61 lst_rnd

重现结果clone gist并运行

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