php - 如何在 PHP 中验证 Paypal webhook 签名?

标签 php ssl paypal openssl webhooks

我对 SSL 和证书不是很了解。我用了帖子 “How to use hash_hmac() with "SHA256withRSA" on PHP? ”,看看我是否可以通过 PayPal 获得 webhook。

我遇到的问题是在调用 openssl_verify() 并返回结果 (0) 后出现以下错误:

OpenSSL error openssl_verify error:04091068:rsa routines:INT_RSA_VERIFY:bad signature



 // get the header post to my php file by PayPal
 $headers = apache_request_headers();
 // get the body post to me php file by PayPal
 $body = @file_get_contents('php://input');
 $json = json_decode($body);

 // TransmissionId|TransmissionTimeStamp|WebhookId|CRC32 as per PayPal documentation
 $sigString = $headers['Paypal-Transmission-Id'].'|'.$headers['Paypal-Transmission-Time'].'|'.$json->id.'|'.crc32($body);

 // $headers['Paypal-Cert-Url'] contains the "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---MIIHmjCCBoKgAwIBAgIQDB8 ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----"
 $pubKey = openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents($headers['Paypal-Cert-Url']));

 // and this is the call to verify that returns result (0)
 $verifyResult = openssl_verify($sigString, base64_decode($headers['Paypal-Transmission-Sig']), $pubKey, 'sha256WithRSAEncryption');

唯一与我使用的引用代码不同的是,我没有使用 openssl_pkey_get_details($pubKey),因为除了现有的签名错误之外,我还会遇到以下错误:

OpenSSL error openssl_verify error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line OpenSSL error openssl_verify error:04091068:rsa routines:INT_RSA_VERIFY:bad signature

我还尝试了一种变体,不在 header 上使用 base64_decode(),但会得到相同的返回结果 (0),但会出现错误:

OpenSSL error openssl_verify error:04091077:rsa routines:INT_RSA_VERIFY:wrong signature length




$pubKey = openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents($headers['PAYPAL-CERT-URL']));
$details = openssl_pkey_get_details($pubKey);

$verifyResult = openssl_verify($sigString, base64_decode($headers['PAYPAL-TRANSMISSION-SIG']), $details['key'], 'sha256WithRSAEncryption');

if ($verifyResult === 0) {
    throw new Exception('signature incorrect');
} elseif ($verifyResult === -1) {
    throw new Exception('error checking signature');

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