
标签 php unix-timestamp date-conversion timestamp-with-timezone

我有这个函数用于将请求日期转换为 GMT00 unix 时间跨度并将该时间跨度存储到数据库中。

当我尝试将 GMT00 时间跨度转换为有效的 GMT 时区(如 GMT+4:00)时,下面的函数会返回错误的时间跨度

     * Convert date time from one timezone to another timezone
     * @param $datetime (string): Date Time value which needs to be converted
     * @param $is_timestamp (boolean): If $datetime is a timestamp then true, otherwise false
     * @param $stimezone (string): Timezone from which to convert date and time
     * @param $dtimezone (string): Timezone in which to convert date and time
     * @param $format (string): Format in which you need date and time
     * @return (misc) Converted date time string, null on failure
public static function convertDateTime($datetime, $is_timestamp = false, $stimezone = "GMT+00:00", $dtimezone = "GMT+00:00", $format = null) {
    if ($is_timestamp) {
        $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $datetime);

    } else {
        $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($datetime));

    try {
        $date = new \DateTime($datetime, new \DateTimeZone($stimezone));
        $date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($dtimezone));

        if (!empty($format)) {
            //return $date->format($format);
            return gmdate($format, $date->getTimestamp());

        } else {
            return $date->getTimestamp();

    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        return null;


这里的问题是那一行:return gmdate($format, $date->getTimestamp());

时间戳不带时区。unix 时间戳是自 1970 年 1 月 1 日午夜以来花费的秒数,UTC。 无论时区如何,都是一样的。因此,当您使用 $date->getTimestamp() 时,您会“丢失”$date< 的时区元数据 对象。


return gmdate($format, $date->getTimestamp());


return $date->format($format);


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