php - 如何在购物车价格规则中添加自定义标签

标签 php magento

我正在尝试在 magento 支持的促销/购物车价格规则中添加自定义标签。我需要的是当我选择任何规则时,自定义选项卡显示在“管理优惠券代码”下方,当我单击自定义选项卡时,我必须获得一个带有保存和保存并继续编辑按钮的网格表。谁能建议我正确的方法来做到这一点?




首先你需要创建一个模块,你必须定义两个东西,一个是布局和 block


然后在文件 app/code/local/Newgenray/Block/Adminhtml/Promo/Quote/Edit/Tab/Custom.php

class Newgenray_Coupon_Block_Adminhtml_Promo_Quote_Edit_Tab_Custom extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form
implements Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Tab_Interface
/*public function __construct(){

 * Mandatory to override as we are implementing Widget Tab interface
 * Return Tab Title
 * @return string
public function getTabTitle(){
    return Mage::helper('salesrule')->__('Custom Tab');

 * Mandatory to override as we are implementing Widget Tab interface
 * Return Tab Label
 * @return string
public function getTabLabel(){
    return Mage::helper('salesrule')->__('Custom Tab');

 * Mandatory to override as we are implementing Widget Tab interface
 * Can show tab in tabs
 * Here you can write condition when the tab should we shown or not. Like you see when we create shopping cart rule
 * Manage coupon tab doesn't come. If you want that then just make a function and check whether you have information
 * in registry or not
 * @return boolean
public function canShowTab(){
    return true;

 * Mandatory to override as we are implementing Widget Tab interface
 * Tab is Hidden
 * @return boolean
public function isHidden(){
    return false;

 * Defines after which tab this tab should come like you asked you need it below Manage Coupon codes
 * @return string
public function getAfter(){
    return 'coupons_section';

public function _prepareForm(){
     /* To set the data in the form you need to get the data in registry In my example
     * I don't have any registry so I am commenting it. My Form will be blank
    //$model = Mage::registry('custom_tab_form_data');

    $form = new Varien_Data_Form();


    $fieldset = $form->addFieldset('custom_fieldset', array(
        'legend'=>Mage::helper('salesrule')->__('Your Custom Field Set ')

    $fieldset->addField('name', 'text', array(
        'label'     => Mage::helper('salesrule')->__('Name'),
        'class'     => 'required-entry',
        'required'  => true,
        'name'      => 'name',
        'note'     => Mage::helper('salesrule')->__('The name of the example.'),

    $fieldset->addField('description', 'text', array(
        'label'     => Mage::helper('salesrule')->__('Description'),
        'class'     => 'required-entry',
        'required'  => true,
        'name'      => 'description',

    $fieldset->addField('other', 'text', array(
        'label'     => Mage::helper('salesrule')->__('Other'),
        'class'     => 'required-entry',
        'required'  => true,
        'name'      => 'other',


    return parent::_prepareForm();

然后在文件 app/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/coupon.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
           <reference name="promo_quote_edit_tabs">
                <action method="addTab">


<?xml version="1.0"?>

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