email - PHP 邮件脚本,电子邮件未发送

标签 email php

我正在尝试通过一个简单的 PHP 邮件脚本发送邮件。我已经检查了很多次代码,页面转到“Thankyou_page”,好像邮件应该已经发送了,但我还没有收到邮件。知道为什么这不起作用吗?

This first bit sets the email address that you want the form to be submitted to.
You will need to change this value to a valid email address that you can access.
$webmaster_email = "";
$subject = "Contact Us";

This bit sets the URLs of the supporting pages.
If you change the names of any of the pages, you will need to change the values here.
$feedback_page = "feedback_form.html";
$error_page = "error_message.html";
$thankyou_page = "thank_you.html";

This next bit loads the form field data into variables.
If you add a form field, you will need to add it here.
$email_address = $_REQUEST['email_address'] ;
$comments = $_REQUEST['comments'] ;

The following function checks for email injection.
Specifically, it checks for carriage returns - typically used by spammers to inject a CC list.
function isInjected($str) {
    $injections = array('(\n+)',
    $inject = join('|', $injections);
    $inject = "/$inject/i";
    if(preg_match($inject,$str)) {
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

// If the user tries to access this script directly, redirect them to the feedback form,
if (!isset($_REQUEST['email_address'])) {
header( "Location: $feedback_page" );

// If the form fields are empty, redirect to the error page.
elseif (empty($email_address) || empty($comments)){
header( "Location: $error_page" );

// If email injection is detected, redirect to the error page.
elseif ( isInjected($email_address) ) {
header( "Location: $error_page" );

// If we passed all previous tests, send the email then redirect to the thank you page.
else {
mail( $webmaster_email, $subject,
  $comments, "From: " . $email_address);
header( "Location: $thankyou_page" );


使用编写良好的库,如 SwiftMailer 或 PHPMailer。在没有很好的 PHP 命令的情况下使用 mail 函数发送电子邮件是一个 killer 。

PhpMailer vs. SwiftMailer?

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