php - CCAvenue 交易 - 整合

标签 php jar payment ccavenue

我已将 CcAvenue 支付网关集成到我的交易项目中。 有一个问题,即。

I am unable to get the status of $AuthDesc after a transaction.
After contacting the customer service they replied saying there is a
problem in my integration code.
The file that they provided has the following code:

$WorkingKey = "" ; //put in the 32 bit working key in the quotes provided here $encResponse=$_REQUEST["encResponse"]; exec("java -jar ccavutil.jar $WorkingKey \"$encResponse\" dec",$ccaResponse); $tok = strtok($ccaResponse[0],"&");

However, i am unable to run the jar file and $ccaResponse returns an empty array
always.I know this question belongs to a particular software but i need help 
from programmers who have done this before.
Kindly help.


您无法运行 jar 文件的原因是您的托管服务提供商不支持执行 jar 文件。要解决此问题,您必须联系 CCAvenue 的客户支持要求他们提供仅包含 php 文件的集成工具包.


 1. adler32.php
 2. Aes.php
 3. Checkout.php
 4. Index.html
 5. redirecturl.php


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