php - MySQL密码检查器

标签 php database string


我有一个密码检查器,可确保密码在插入数据库之前不超过 25 个或 <5 个字符。如果是,它会报错。一切正常,但我似乎无法让它检查密码是否不是 <5 和/或 >25 个字符,然后将其放入数据库。


if (strlen($pswd)>30) {
echo "Your password is too long! Password's should be between 5 and 30 characters long!";

if (strlen($pswd)<5) {
echo "Your password is too short! Password's should be between 5 and 30 characters long!";

else if (!strlen($pswd)>30||strlen($pswd)<5)
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('','$un','$fn','$ln','$em','$pswd','$d','0')");
die("<h2>Welcome to M8Ster</h2>Please login to your account to get started ...");


尝试将所有 if 语句组合成一个 if-elseif-else:

if (strlen($pswd)>30) {
    echo "Your password is too long! Password's should be between 5 and 30 characters long!";
} else if (strlen($pswd)<5) {
    echo "Your password is too short! Password's should be between 5 and 30 characters long!";
} else {
    $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('','$un','$fn','$ln','$em','$pswd','$d','0')");
    die("<h2>Welcome to M8Ster</h2>Please login to your account to get started ...");

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