php - 在 Magento 中,扩展 rest/products api 以检索返回列表中产品的标签和属性的性能如何?

标签 php api rest magento product

我能想到的唯一方法是检索产品,然后在脚本中调用其他 API 来检索我需要的信息,最后返回响应。

我对 Magento 还是有些陌生,这似乎对性能影响很大。上述解决方案在性能上是否有效,或者是否有更好的方法从 rest/products api 检索标签等?



337: {
    entity_id: "337"
    type_id: "simple"
    sku: "ace000"
    color: "15"
    gender: "93"
    material: "130"
    jewelry_type: null
    description: "Gunmetal frame with crystal gradient polycarbonate lenses in grey. "
    meta_keyword: null
    short_description: "A timeless accessory staple, the unmistakable teardrop lenses of our Aviator sunglasses appeal to everyone from suits to rock stars to citizens of the world."
    name: "Aviator Sunglasses"
    meta_title: null
    meta_description: null
    regular_price_with_tax: 319.34
    regular_price_without_tax: 295
    final_price_with_tax: 319.34
    final_price_without_tax: 295
    is_saleable: true
    image_url: ""

我想添加以下内容(作为示例),** include the things 显示我要添加的内容。

337: {
    entity_id: "337"
    type_id: "simple"
    sku: "ace000"
    color: "15"
    gender: "93"
    material: "130"
    jewelry_type: null
    description: "Gunmetal frame with crystal gradient polycarbonate lenses in grey. "
    meta_keyword: null
    short_description: "A timeless accessory staple, the unmistakable teardrop lenses of our Aviator sunglasses appeal to everyone from suits to rock stars to citizens of the world."
    name: "Aviator Sunglasses"
    meta_title: null
    meta_description: null
    regular_price_with_tax: 319.34
    regular_price_without_tax: 295
    final_price_with_tax: 319.34
    final_price_without_tax: 295
    is_saleable: true
    image_url: ""
    **tags: [tag1,tag2,tag3]**
    **categories: [category1,category2,category3]**


您应该扩展现有的产品 REST api 模型并覆盖方法 _prepareProductForResponse 以包含标签和其他数据



Namespace_yourmodule_Model_Catalog_Api2_Product_Rest extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Api2_Product_Rest {

protected function _prepareProductForResponse(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product)
 // keep the existing code as it is

 // now add new code to add tags

 $productData['tags'] = Mage::getModel('tag/tag')->getResourceCollection()

// in the end 

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