php - 页面内容中的 Joomla PHP 错误

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警告:showBlogSection() 的参数 3 应为引用,值在/home/smartsta/public_html/includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php 第 100 行给出

我的 Joomla 网站上的内容区域突然出现上述错误,有什么建议吗?

更新: 找不到访问 godaddy ftp 文件目录、ftp 或 Joomal C 面板中定义的文件和目录的运气。 在 FTP 中,我找不到对这个特定文件的访问权限来调查第 100 行的内容。 在 Joomla 面板中,在全局配置中,我能够将“错误消息”切换为无,以便至少隐藏此错误。在缓存目录中,我没有看到任何进入该文件夹的选项,尽管它显示了。 我还在那个 c-panel 屏幕的底部看到了这个,但只是链接到一个 joomla 帮助站点,并且在字段中我没有看到描述的区域来切换“打开或关闭” “以下 PHP 服务器设置不是最佳的安全性,建议更改它们: PHP register_globals 设置为 ON 而不是 OFF "


我找到了有问题的文件,下面是代码。第 100 行仅声明:

全局 $$object_123456789;

应用程序/x-httpd-php Function.php PHP脚本文本


* This class extends Cache_Lite and can be used to cache the result and output of functions/methods
* This class is completly inspired from Sebastian Bergmann's
* PEAR/Cache_Function class. This is only an adaptation to
* Cache_Lite
* There are some examples in the 'docs/examples' file
* Technical choices are described in the 'docs/technical' file
* @package Cache_Lite
* @version $Id: Function.php 47 2005-09-15 02:55:27Z rhuk $
* @author Sebastian BERGMANN <>
* @author Fabien MARTY <>

// no direct access
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/Cache/Lite.php' );

class Cache_Lite_Function extends Cache_Lite

    // --- Private properties ---

    * Default cache group for function caching
    * @var string $_defaultGroup
    var $_defaultGroup = 'Cache_Lite_Function';

    // --- Public methods ----

    * Constructor
    * $options is an assoc. To have a look at availables options,
    * see the constructor of the Cache_Lite class in 'Cache_Lite.php'
    * Comparing to Cache_Lite constructor, there is another option :
    * $options = array(
    *    (...) see Cache_Lite constructor
    *    'defaultGroup' => default cache group for function caching (string)
    * );
    * @param array $options options
    * @access public
    function Cache_Lite_Function($options = array(NULL))
        if (isset($options['defaultGroup'])) {
            $this->_defaultGroup = $options['defaultGroup'];

    * Calls a cacheable function or method (or not if there is already a cache for it)
    * Arguments of this method are read with func_get_args. So it doesn't appear
    * in the function definition. Synopsis :
    * call('functionName', $arg1, $arg2, ...)
    * (arg1, arg2... are arguments of 'functionName')
    * @return mixed result of the function/method
    * @access public
    function call()
        $arguments = func_get_args();
        $id = serialize($arguments); // Generate a cache id
        if (!$this->_fileNameProtection) {
            $id = md5($id);
            // if fileNameProtection is set to false, then the id has to be hashed
            // because it's a very bad file name in most cases
        $data = $this->get($id, $this->_defaultGroup);
        if ($data !== false) {
            $array = unserialize($data);
            $output = $array['output'];
            $result = $array['result'];
        } else {
            $target = array_shift($arguments);
            if (strstr($target, '::')) { // classname::staticMethod
                list($class, $method) = explode('::', $target);
                $result = call_user_func_array(array($class, $method), $arguments);
            } else if (strstr($target, '->')) { // object->method
                // use a stupid name ($objet_123456789 because) of problems when the object
                // name is the same as this var name
                list($object_123456789, $method) = explode('->', $target);
                global $$object_123456789;
                $result = call_user_func_array(array($$object_123456789, $method), $arguments);
            } else { // function
                $result = call_user_func_array($target, $arguments);
            $output = ob_get_contents();
            $array['output'] = $output;
            $array['result'] = $result;
            $this->save(serialize($array), $id, $this->_defaultGroup);
        return $result;





突然?也许您已经升级/更新了您的 PHP 版本。或者将 PHP 配置更改为“严格模式”。

消息“expected to be a reference, value given”表示被调用的函数期望接收到reference,而不是value。看:

$something = 9;
// here you are passing a variable
// this will be accepted as a reference

// here you are NOT passing a reference
// here you are passing a VALUE


function show_section(&$parameter) {
    $parameter = 'changed!';
  1. 请注意 $parameter 之前的 & 符号 & - 这就是我们指定函数需要 REFERENCE 的方式。

  2. 函数调用后,在上面的示例中,变量 $something 的值将是 changed! 字符串。


$result = call_user_func_array(array($$object_123456789, $method), $arguments);



foreach ($arguments as $count => $value)
    $param = 'param' . $count;
    $$param = $value;
    $arguments[$count] = &$$param;

将上面的代码放在 call 函数的开头,紧挨着以下行之后:

$id = serialize($arguments);


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