php - 放入 session 后,Laravel session key 为空

标签 php angularjs session laravel

我有一个有线问题。我在 session 中放入了一些字符串/对象,但当我想要获取它时却不存在。


class CartController extends \BaseController

    public function index()
        return Session::all(); // items is not there

    public function store()
        Session::put('items', Input::get('items'));


Angular :

this.saveItemsToSession = function() {
    $'cart', {
      items: 'test even string'


它似乎 Session 不工作。 这种方式有效:

class CartController extends \BaseController

    public function index()
        return $_SESSION['items'];

    public function store()
        $_SESSION['items'] = Input::get('items');



来自 laravel 文档:

Any routes not placed within the web middleware group will not have access to sessions and CSRF protection, so make sure any routes that need these features are placed within the group. Typically, you will place most of your routes within this group:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {
     //all routes


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